Slavko Kulić

Slavko Kulić

Slavko Kulić (born in Razvođe, Oklaj, 21 August 1941, Croatia), Croatian scientist and economist concerned with the sociology of international relations.

Studies at the [] Faculty of Business and Economics (University Zagreb). Postgraduate studies in philosophy, politics, economics, law and sociology in Zagreb, Belgrade and Ljubljana. Numerous study visits to USA, former U.S.S.R, China and Europe in the fields of sociology of international relations, especially irenology (science about peace) and polemology (science about war) in the context of mondology.

Senior research fellow at the [ Institute of Economics] (Zagreb, Croatia) since 1970. – Head of the Department for International Relations; Head of the Department for Strategic Research; Head of the Department of Supradisciplinary Research for existence and development of life on the planet Earth.

President of the [ Scientific Society of the Economists of Croatia] since 2002.

With his human endeavour and pursuit, Slavko Kulić can be put in the context of globalisation of humanism opposite to globalisation of violence in the worldupon which he is well known in the scientific community. Humanization of human mankind instead of no-humanization, cultural meme of moral instead of cultural meme of profit. On the level of synthetic intelligence, he is dedicated to peace as cultural value on the level of individual nations, as well as on the level of human mankind.

Public activities

Significant public activities in Croatia and the world as communication between science and community.

*Active participation to more than 150 international scientific conferences and symposia on the subject of sociology of international relations: political, economical, legal, social and military discussions
*Author of more than 250 scientific papers

# Interview [ "Moj svijedok je vrijeme, II dio"] , Epoha [] br. 67/2006.
# Interview [ "Pravo na nasilje nema nitko jer nasilje ne može biti ničije pravo" - No one has right to violence because violence is nobody's right] , Epoha [] br. 62/2006.
# Interview [ "Svijedok je moje vrijeme"] , [ Epoha] br. 58/2006.
# Interview [ "Prigovor znanosti"] , Glas Koncila, 2005.
# [ "Digli smo ruke od sebe"] , Slobodna Dalmacija, 2003.

Most important scientific works and books

# [ Globalizacija, kvartalni kapitalizam i njegove refleksije na hrvatsko društvo - problem transparentnosti kapital odnosa u hrvatskom gospodarstvu i društvu - Globalisation, quartal capitalism and its reflection to croatian society] , Zagreb, 2006.
# [ Neoliberalizam kao socijaldarvinizam - Neoliberalism as socialdarwinism] , [ Prometej] , Zagreb, 2004.
# Kvartalni kapitalizam i njegovi dometi na tlu Hrvatske: Globalizacija u Hrvatskoj i Hrvatska u globalizaciji - Quartal capitalism and its achievements in Croatia: Globalisation in Croatia and Croatia in Globalisation, KnjižnicaKritika”, Zagreb, 2003.
# [ Globalizacija i trajektorij RH u svijetu interesa i državadruštveni obzor hrvatskoga gospodarstva] , Zagreb, 2002.
# [ Lažna zora globalizacije] , Ekonomski institut Zagreb, 2000.
# Što je to samosvijest suvremenog svijeta? Tolerancija nasilja i zlouporaba moći u vrijeme mira - What is consciousness of the modern world? Tolerance of violence and abuse of power in times of peace, Collected lectures, EIZ, Zagreb, 1999.
# [ Dijalog o nacizmu i globalizaciji] , ZagrebSalzburgParis, izdanjeAdamić”, Rijeka, 1998.
# Nužnost rekonstitucije hrvatskog društva i države, EIZ, Zagreb, 1998.
# Strategija nasilja kao strategija razvoja - Strategy of violence as development strategy, “Naprijed”, Zagreb, 1996.
# [ Kritičko teorijski osvrt na ekonomsku i političku strukturu nove Europe] , IDP, Revijalno izdanje, Zagreb, 1992.
# Znanstveno tehnološka revolucija za koga? - Scientific and technological revolution: for whom?, Jugoart, ZagrebBeograd, 1990.

Rewards, recognitions and memberships

* Permanent member of the Croatian Academy of Economic Sciences
* Member of the Croatian Council of European Movement (HVEP), Zagreb
* Member of the International Philosophers for Peace, USA, 2003
* Member of the World ParliamentUSAIndia2002
* Academician of International Academy of Humanistic and Natural Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation, 2001.

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