Teosto — ry (Säveltäjäin Tekijänoikeustoimisto, en français bureau des détenteurs des droits des compositions musicales) est la société de gestion des droits d auteur musicaux de Finlande. L organisation, établie par une loi de 1928, est actuellement… … Wikipédia en Français
Digital DJ licensing — A vinyl emulation software setup, for the use of which a digital DJ license is required in some countries if used publicly. A digital DJ license is required in some countries, including the United Kingdom[1], Finland … Wikipedia
Dark Passion Play — Studioalbum von Nightwish Veröffentlichung 28. September 2007 (Nuclear Blast) 26. September 2007 (Spinefarm Records) 2. Oktober 2007 (Roadrunner Records) Label … Deutsch Wikipedia
Право на вознаграждение за свободное воспроизведение фонограмм и аудиовизуальных произведений в личных целях — Право интеллектуальной собственности … Википедия
Private copying levy — Taxation An aspect of fiscal policy … Wikipedia
Olli Kortekangas — is a Finnish composer, born on May 16, 1955 in Turku. He currently resides in Espoo, Finland. His early career in music began in Espoon Musiikkiopisto (Espoo Music Institute) and the youth choir Candomino. His academic studies in music began at… … Wikipedia
List of CISAC members — This is a list of International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers ( fr. Confédération Internationale des Sociétés d´Auteurs et Compositeurs) or CISAC members:# Albania ALBAUTOR # Argentina SADAIC # Australia APRA # Austria AKM # … Wikipedia
Edo Mulahalilović — (born March 23, 1964 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia) is a songwriter and producer. His first solo concert was at the age of 13 in Hvar, (Croatia) on a classical guitar. *1983. Edo together with Pjer Žalica (bass player and film… … Wikipedia
Adi Mulahalilović — (born November 2, 1967, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia) is a composer and producer. Since 1986, Adi has composed and produced music for theatre, short movies, new age music and pop music for singers and bands in Yugoslavia and then… … Wikipedia
Tapani Puranen — (born 1 October 1957 in Juva, Finland) is a composer, arranger, orchestra conductor, recording engineer and producer. Lives in Lempäälä, Finland. Major works *The most successful composition written by Tapani Puranen is a pop ballad called Love… … Wikipedia