SUMO network

SUMO network

SUMO network consists of enzymes and substrates involved in the dynamic posttranslational modification process of sumoylation (i.e. transfer of SUMO protein to substrates).

Network members

The SUMO network members (gene name and aliases) as published in the last 100 newest PubMed entries (see below) are depicted hierarchically by Cytoscape in the figure on the right and are listed below as annotated by Gene Ontology.
*sumo1 = pic1, smt3c, gmp1, sumo1, sumo-1, smt3, ubl1, smt3h3
*senp1 = senp1
*nf-kappab = nf-kappa b, nfkb, nf-kappab, nfkappa b, nfkappab
*atm = ata, atm, atc, atdc, ate
*ikbkg = nemo, fip-3, ip2, ikbkg, ikk-gamma, fip3, fip3p
*rasa1 = cmavm, gap, rasa1, rasgap, p120gap, pkws, rasa
*rgs17 = rgsz2, rgs17, hrgs17
*rgs20 = rgs20, rgsz1, zgap1
*efna2 = eplg6, lerk6, elf-1, efna2, hek7-l
*elf4 = mef, elf4, elfr
*myog = myf4, myogenin, myog
*cdkn1a = cdkn1a, sdi1, mda-6, waf1, cip1, cdkn1, cap20, p21
*skil = snoa, snon, sno, skil
*rev1l = rev1l, rev1
*rev3l = polz, rev3, rev3l
*fus = tls, fus1, fus
*rad1 = rad1, hrad1
*rad51 = hsrad51, hrad51, hst16930, reca, rad51, rad51a
*tp53 = p53, trp53, tp53
*sumo2 = smt3b, sumo2, hsmt3, sumo-2, smt3h2
*rad52 = rad52
*hipk2 = hipk2, pro0593
*krt6b = k6b, krtl1, ck6b, krt6b, pc2
*pml = myl, pml, rnf71, trim19
*fgfr1 = c-fgr, cek, h5, h4, h3, bfgfr, n-sam, fgfr1, flt2, h2
*znf198 = mym, fim, scll, znf198
*tdg = tdg
*crebbp = rts, rsts, crebbp, cbp
*ep300 = p300, ep300
*creb1 = creb, mgc9284, creb1
*setdb1 = kg1t, kiaa0067, setdb1, eset
*mbd1 = cxxc3, mbd1, rft
*pias3 = pias3, pias-3, flj14651
*soat1 = soat1, stat, acact
*pias1 = ddxbp1, pias1, gu/rh-ii
*myb = c-myb, myb
*mapk8 = jnk, sapk1, jnk1, mapk8, jnk1a2, jnk21b1/2, prkm8
*cdkn3 = cdi1, kap, cip2, kap1, cdkn3
*znf350 = zfqr, znf350, zbrk1
*ube2i = c358b7.1, ubc9, ube2i
*pcna = pcna, mgc8367
*nbs1 = nbs, at-v2, nibrin, at-v1, nbs1, atv
*daxx = dap6, bing2, daxx
*sim2 = sim2, sim
*sox2 = anop3, mgc2413, sox2
*fgf4 = hst, hst-1, fgf4, kfgf, hbgf-4, k-fgf, hstf1
*pou5f1 = oct4, otf4, oct3, otf3, pou5f1, mgc22487
*src = src, c-src, src-1, src1, asv, p60-src
*ptpn1 = ptp1b, ptpn1
*stat1 = stat91, stat1, isgf-3
*sumo3 = smt3a, sumo3, smt3h1, sumo-3
*zbtb17 = miz-1, phz-67, miz1, zbtb17, znf151
*uba2 = uba2, sae2, hrihfb2115
*sae1 = aos1, hspc140, sae1, sua1
*cdc2 = cdc2, cdk1
*klf5 = iklf, bteb2, klf5
*nr2c1 = tr2-11, tr2, nr2c1
*pcaf = p/caf, pcaf, gcn5l, caf
*nrip1 = rip140, nrip1
*pparg = nr1c3, humpparg, pparg, ppargamma, pparg1, pparg2, ppar-gamma
*abcc6 = mlp1, moate, ara, mrp6, est349056, abc34, abcc6
*senp2 = kiaa1331, axam2, senp2, smt3ip2
*kcna5 = pcn1, kcna5, kv1.5, hpcn1, hck1
*taf12 = taf12, taf2j, tafii20
*atf7 = atfa, atf7
*tbp = tfiid, tbp, gtf2d1, gtf2d, sca17
*fos = fos
*jun = jun, ap1
*hic1 = hic1, zbtb29
*dynamin = dynamin-1, dynamin, dynamin1

*ctbp2 = ctbp2
*ctbp1 = ctbp1
*senp5 = mgc27076, senp5
*hmga1 = mgc12816, mgc4854, hmga1, hmgiy, hmg-r, mgc4242
*pias4 = piasg, mgc35296, flj12419, piasy, pias4
*yy1 = ucrbp, nf-e1, yin-yang-1, yy1
*cpa1 = cpa, cpa1
*klk3 = psa, klk2a1, klk3
*mdm2 = hdm2, mdm2, mgc71221
*trps1 = gc79, trps1
*ube2v1 = uev-1, ube2v, ube2v1, uev1, c-roc1, croc1, croc-1, cir1, uev1a
*cul2 = cul2
*dnmt3a = dnmt3a, m.hsaiiia, dnmt3a2
*cbx4 = cbx4
*col11a2 = col11a2, dfna13, stl3, hke5
*sox9 = cmd1, sox9

UMO antibodies

Comprehensive panel of antibodies to characterize the SUMO network is available by Abgent: SUMO1 Monoclonal Ab(AM1200a), UBC9 Ab(AM1261a), SUMO3 C-term Ab(AP1225a), NEDD8 N-term Ab(AP1226a), SENP1 N-term Ab(AP1230a), SENP2 N-term Ab(AP1232a), SENP3 N-term Ab(AP1234a), SENP5 N-term Ab(AP1236a), SENP6 N-term Ab(AP1238a), SENP7 N-term Ab(AP1240a), PIAS1 C-term Ab(AP1243a), PIAS3 N-term Ab(AP1244a), PIASx1 N-term Ab(AP1248a), PIASy1 N-term Ab(AP1249a), SENP8 N-term Ab(AP1259a), AOS1 Ab(AP1262a), SUMO2 C-term Ab(AP1282a), Pan SUMO Ab(AP1290a).

ee also

*SUMO pathway
*Autophagy network
*Metabolic network
*Metabolic network modelling
*Protein-protein interaction


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