BOSANQUET (B.) — BOSANQUET BERNARD (1848 1923) Philosophe anglais, qui fut professeur à Saint Andrews. Bosanquet est un représentant original, avec Bradley et Royce, de l’idéalisme néo hégélien. Il était le combattant d’une cause perdue en ce qu’il se voulait le… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Bosanquet — ist der Familienname von: Bernard Bosanquet (1848–1923), britischer Philosoph Day Bosanquet (1843 1923), britischer Admiral, 1909 bis 1914 Gouverneur von Südaustralien Esther Cleveland Bosanquet (1893–1980), Tochter des US Präsidenten Grover… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bosanquet — [ bəʊznkɪt], Bernard, britischer Philosoph, * Rock Hall 14. 6. 1848, ✝ London 8. 2. 1923; lehrte an der Universität in Oxford, 1903 08 Professor der Moralphilosophie in Saint Andrews. Neben T. H. Green und F. H. Bradley war Bosanquet der… … Universal-Lexikon
Bosanquet — Bosanquet, Bernard … Philosophy dictionary
Bosanquet, Ontario — Bosanquet is a former township of Lambton County in Ontario, Canada located northeast of Sarnia.Geography and historyHome to Native Americans for thousands of years, the first Europeans settled on the lakeshore in the early 19th century. It would … Wikipedia
Bosanquet, Bernard — born June 14, 1848, Alnwick, Northumberland, Eng. died Feb. 8, 1923, London British philosopher. He helped revive in Britain the absolute idealism of G.W.F. Hegel and sought to apply its principles to social and political problems. His debt to… … Universalium
Bosanquet, Bernard — (1848–1923) English absolute idealist . Bosanquet was educated and taught at Oxford, left in order to involve himself in charity work in London, and finally held the chair of moral philosophy at St Andrews, Scotland. He held a view of the… … Philosophy dictionary
Bosanquet — /boh zeuhn ket , kit/, n. Bernard, 1848 1923, English philosopher and writer. * * * … Universalium
Bosanquet — /boh zeuhn ket , kit/, n. Bernard, 1848 1923, English philosopher and writer … Useful english dictionary
Bosanquet, Bernard — See Coherence ( … History of philosophy