Galvano Della Volpe

Galvano Della Volpe

Galvano Della Volpe (1895-1968) was an Italian professor of philosophy and Marxist theorist. In Italy, his work was seen by many as a 'scientific' alternative to the Gramscian Marxism which the PCI (among others) had claimed as its guide.

Some of his most notable works include:

*"Critique of Taste" (Verso Books, 1991).
*"Logic as a Positive Science" (Verso Books, 1980).
*"Rousseau and Marx: And Other Writings" (Lawrence and Wishart, 1987).

He had a number of students and disciples including Ignazio Ambrogio, Umberto Cerroni, Lucio Colletti, Nicolao Merker, Alessandro Mazzone, Armando Plebe, Mario Rossi, and Carlo Violi. [Epstein, Mark W. [ "Della Volpe, Galvano," The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism] ]


External links

* [ Galvano Della Volpe: biography and overview of his work]
* [ Galvano Della Volpe Home Page]

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