

name = "Beipiaosaurus"
fossil_range = Early Cretaceous

image_width = 200px
image_caption = Life restoration of "Beipiaosaurus inexpectus".
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Sauropsida
superordo = Dinosauria
ordo = Saurischia
subordo = Theropoda
superfamilia = Therizinosauroidea
genus = "Beipiaosaurus"
genus_authority = Xu, Tang & Wang, 1999
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision ="B. inexpectus" Xu, Tang & Wang, 1999 (type)

"Beipiaosaurus" is a genus of therizinosauroid theropod dinosaur. The discovery of "Beipiaosaurus" (IPAEng|ˌbeɪpjaʊˈsɔrəs), which translates as "Beipiao lizard" after a city in China near the location of its discovery, was announced in the May 27, 1999, issue of the journal "Nature". These fossils were found in Liaoning Province, China and have been dated to the early Cretaceous Period, about 125 million years ago. It is known from a single species, "B. inexpectus", named for "the surprising features in this animal.".Xu, X., Tang, Z-L., and Wang, X-L. (1999). "A therizinosauroid dinosaur with integumentary structures from China." "Nature", 399: 350-354.] A significant number of fossilized bones for this species were recovered, including: cranial fragments, a mandible, three cervical vertebrae, four dorsal vertebrae, a caudal vertebra, the scapula and scapulacoracoid, a complete forelimb, and a complete pelvis with hindlimb.

The exact classification of therizinosaurs had in the past been hotly debated, since their prosauropod-like teeth and body structure indicate that they were generally herbivorous, unlike typical theropods. "Beipiaosaurus", being considered to be a primitive therizinosauroid, has features which suggest that all therizinosauroids, including the more derived Therizinosauridae, to be coelurosaurian theropods, not sauropodomorph or ornithischian relatives as once believed.

"Beipiaosaurus" measured 2.2 meters (7.3 ft) in length and .88 meters (2.9 ft.) tall at the hip, and is among the largest known feathered dinosaurs. Its weight is estimated as about 85 kg (187 lb.) "Beipiaosaurus" had a toothless beak with cheek teeth. More advanced therizinosaurids have four functional toes, but the feet of "Beipiaosaurus"' have reduced inner toes, showing that the derived therizinosaurid condition may have evolved from a three-toed therizinosauroid ancestor. The head was large relative to other therizinosaurs, and it had some features similar to the related oviraptorosaurs. The fossil's skin impressions indicate its body was covered by downy feather-like fibers, which are similar to those of "Sinosauropteryx", but longer, and are oriented perpendicular to the arm. Xu "et al." suggest that the feathers of "Beipiaosaurus" represent an intermediate stage between "Sinosauropteryx" and more advanced birds (Avialae). As only theropod dinosaurs are so far known to have been feathered, this discovery is further evidence that therizinosaurs were indeed theropods.


ee also

*"Nothronychus" and "Falcarius" for additional primitive therizinosaur discoveries.

External links

* [ Dinosauria]
* [ Therizinosauroidea - UCMP, Berkeley]
* [ "Beipiaosaurus"] in the Dino Directory

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