

An aquaretic is a class of drug that is used to promote aquaresis. They are not strictly speaking diuretics, but are sometimes classified as such.

Herbal aquaretics include adonis, agrimony, bearberry, buchu, dandelion, heartsease, hydrangea, lady's mantle, larch, and sassafras. These increase blood flow to the kidneys without increasing sodium and chloride resorption, thus causing an increase in urine whilst retaining electrolytes. However, the increase in intravascular fluid volume that they cause translates into an increase vascular resistance, and higher blood pressure. [cite book|title=Herbal Medicinals: A Clinician's Guide|author=Lucinda G. Miller and Wallace J. Murray|date=1998|publisher=Haworth Press|id=ISBN 0789004666|pages=147]

Synthetic aquaretics, a new class of drug, are V2 receptor antagonists, such as OPC-31260. These have been used in clinical trials as a treatment for Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH). [cite journal|journal=The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism|volume=82|issue=4 |pages=1054–1057|date=April 1997|publisher=The Endocrine Society|title=Acute Aquaresis by the Nonpeptide Arginine Vasopressin (AVP) Antagonist OPC-31260 Improves Hyponatremia in Patients with Syndrome of Inappropriate Secretion of Antidiuretic Hormone (SIADH)|author=Toshikazu Saito, San-e Ishikawa, Keishi Abe, Kyuzi Kamoi, Kenichi Yamada, Kurakazu Shimizu, Takao Saruta and Sho Yoshida|pmid=9100572] [cite book|title=Oxford Textbook of Medicine|author=D. A. Warrell, Timothy M. Cox, and John D. Firth|pages=211–212|date=2003|publisher=Oxford University Press|id=ISBN 0198569785]


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