

Irrintzi is an armed Basque nationalist organization that acts in Iparralde (basque noun for Northern Basque Country or French Basque Country).

The first known actions of Irrintzi were some sabotages in 2006 around Bayonne (including a bomb against the summer house of the french Minister of the Interior Michèle Alliot-Marie). Since then, the organization has attacked railroads, tourist sites, political party headquarters... mainly by bomb. The famous chef Alain Ducasse, accused by Irrintzi of being a speculator and of "folklorice" the Basque Country, was forced to leave Iparralde due to the constant attacks that suffered his restaurant [ [,,2016267,00.html Bombs force French chef out of Basque area | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited ] ] . Their declarations are usually closed by the slogan "Euskal Herria ez dago salgai" (The Basque Country is not for sale). This legend was found in more than 30 attacks against tourist targets during 2007 [ [ Nuevo ataque a agencias inmobiliarias en Iparralde - ] ] .


External links

* [´s declaration of April 19th] fr icon
* [´s second declaration of April 19th] fr icon

* [ Irrintzi in "Terrorism Knowledge Base"]

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