- RoSta
The Project RoSta (Robot Standards and Reference Architectures) is a Coordination Action funded under the European Union’s Sixth Framework Programme (
FP6 )Objectives:
The main objectives of RoSta are:
- Action plan for a standard defining activity
- Action plan for a community drivenopen-source activity
- Gaining international recognition as a standardizing community
More specifically, the technological objectives are to coordinate a set of actions initiating and preparing a set of standard defining activities on the following topics of robotics:
1. Creation of a glossary/
ontology (computer science) for mobile manipulation and service robots
2. Specification of a reference architecture for mobile manipulation and service robots
3. Specification of amiddleware for mobile manipulation and service robots
4. Formulation of benchmarks (of components, methods,middleware and architectures) for mobile manipulation and service robots
We are a team of experienced robotics specialists, who join forces to initiate these standardization activities. Further experts are invited to contribute to our coordination action
The project is coordinated by [http://www.ipa.fraunhofer.de/ Fraunhofer- Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung (IPA)] ; and managed by [http://www.gps-stuttgart.de/ GPS GmbH in Stuttgart.]More Informations:
* [http://wiki.robot-standards.org/index.php/Middleware RoSta wiki]
* [http://www.robot-standards.org/ www.robot-standards.org]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.