

Viera possibly a variant spelling of Vieira. It is a common Galician surname []

Viera could refer to:


*Viera, Florida, a community in the United States


Viera is a common Galician surname.

* José de Viera y Clavijo, Spanish historian
* Feliciano Viera, President of Uruguay (1915-1919)
* Sebastián Viera, Uruguayan-born football (soccer) player


*VIERA line of Panasonic LCD and plasma television sets


*Viera, a race in the "Final Fantasy" series of video games.

They are a people of the forest. Known for their long, slender bodies, tall ears and beautiful hair, the Viera can live up to three times as long as an average Hume. There are two types of Viera. Veena Viera have white skin and Rava Viera have brown skin. Silver and white hair is actually considered a blessing among Viera, and some who leave the Wood dye their hair.

Having a greater sense of sight, a Viera can spot and catch her prey from a 10 km distance. The Viera's great sense of hearing allows them to make out even the different sounds of footsteps.

Over 450 years ago, the ancient homeland of the Viera was destroyed in war. Having lost great portions of forest to conflicts, some Viera started to live amongst the Hume. Mixed Viera of Veena and Rava lineage easily integrate with Humes. Pure-blood Viera remained in the forests, keeping their ancient traditions.

See Ivalice.

ee also

*Galician Language
*Galician people

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