- Park Gate Down
Infobox SSSI
name=Park Gate Down
area=7.05 hectares
] Park Gate Down is a stretch of
chalk downland nearElham in EastKent . The site is owned and managed as a nature reserve by theKent Wildlife Trust and is also listed as aSite of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and aSpecial Area of Conservation (SAC). On 21st May 2007 the reserve was renamed TheHector Wilks Reserve in memory of this local botanist who had been involved with the reserve from its inception.Topography
] .
The dominant chalk grassland community at Park Gate Down is CG4 "Brachypodium pinnatum" [citeweb |url=http://www.jncc.gov.uk/protectedsites/SACselection/sac.asp?EUCode=UK0030338 |title=Parkgate Down |publisher=
JNCC ] . However, fine, less vigorous grasses are also common such asSheep's Fescue ("Festuca ovina"). The reserve supports a rich flora including manycalcicole s such as Common Milkwort ("Polygala vulgaris"), Small Scabious ("Scabiosa columbaria") andMarjoram ("Origanum vulgare"). Notable species include Slender Bedstraw ("Galium pumilum"), Adder's Tongue ("Ophioglossum"),Horseshoe Vetch ("Hippocrepis comosa") and Columbine ("Aquilegia vulgaris"). ("Herminium monorchis") of which 72 were counted in 2007 [citeweb |url=http://www.elham.co.uk/Elham/Community/Noticeboard/elham_valley_notice_board.htm|title=Elham Valley Notice Board] .Fauna
The chalk downland provides an important habitat for insects. Many butterflies thrive at the reserve including the
Chalkhill Blue ("Polyommatus coridon"),Brown Argus (Aricia agestis) andMarbled White ("Melanargia galathea"). The woodland and scrub within and surrounding the reserve attract many feeding and breeding birds including theNightingale ("Luscinia megarhynchos"),Green Woodpecker ("Picus viridis"),Great Spotted Woodpecker ("Dendrocopos major"),Yellowhammer ("Emberiza citrinella"),Linnet ("Carduelis cannabina"),Whitethroat ("Sylvia communis"),Garden Warbler ("Sylvia borin"),Hawfinch ("Coccothraustes coccothraustes"), Sparrowhawk ("Accipiter nisus") and Hobby ("Falco subbuteo").Management and access
The reserve is divided into three compartments by wire fences. The chalk grassland is maintained through annual grazing by
Highland cattle and Konik ponies from September to December and scrub cutting in winter. This prevents tall and vigorous species from dominating, thus creating the species rich grassland characteristic of chalk downland. The woodland is regularly coppiced to provide a range of habitats for insects and birds.There is road side parking opposite the entrance on the south of the reserve. Although access is unrestricted, visitors are encouraged to keep to the paths to avoid damage to the wild flowers.
External links
* [http://www.kentwildlifetrust.org.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=81&Itemid=59 Kent Wildlife Trust]
* [http://www.english-nature.org.uk/Special/sssi/sssi_details.cfm?sssi_id=1000359 Natural England]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.