

A "framework" is a basic conceptual structure used to solve or address complex issues. This very broad definition has allowed the term to be used as a buzzword, especially in a software context.

Conceptual framework

A conceptual framework is used in research to outline possible courses of action or to present a preferred and reliable approach to an idea or thought.

oftware framework

A software framework is a re-usable design for a software system (or subsystem). A software framework may include support programs, code libraries, a scripting language, or other software to help develop and "glue together" the different components of a software project. Various parts of the framework may be exposed through an API..

Office suite

Framework, launched in 1984, was the first office suite to run on the original IBM PC under the MS-DOS operating system.


The word framework is used as a buzzword, in a variety of contexts. For example, the Java collections framework is not a software framework, but a library.

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  • framework — 1640s, from FRAME (Cf. frame) + WORK (Cf. work) (n.). Figurative sense is from 1816 …   Etymology dictionary

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