Carro Armato

Carro Armato

Carro Armato was the Italian Army's designation for tanks from 1938. This would be followed by a letter and a series of numbers. The letter would be either L, M or P meaning light, medium and heavy tank respectively. It should be noted that the official Italian military tank classification differed from contemporary classifications in other countries. For example the "heavy" P40 tank would be considered a medium tank by the US armed forces. The numbers would follow the pattern of X/Y where X would be the weight in tonnes and Y the year of adoption (i.e. the L6/40 weighs 6 tonnes and was adopted in the year 1940). The following are some Carro Armato's that entered service:

* Carro Armato L3/35: L3/35
* Carro Armato L6/40: Fiat L6/40
* Carro Armato M11/39: Fiat M11/39
* Carro Armato M13/40: Fiat M13/40
* Carro Armato M15/42: Fiat M15/42
* Carro Armato P40: Fiat P26/40

External links

* [ Italy's vehicle history]
* [ Italian Armored Vehicles]
* [ Comando Supremo: Armor]

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