

In Hawaiian mythology, Paka'a is the god of the wind and the inventor of the sail.
In the legend, Paka'a was the child of a traveling royal named Kuanu'uanu and a beautiful common woman named La'amaomao. Kuanu'uanu was summoned back to his leige Keavenuia'umi before Paka'a's birth. Paka'a was then raised by La'amaomao and her elder brother Ma'ilou, who Paka'a was told was his father. Paka'a however questioned this, because despite his young age, he was much taller than Ma'ilou. He then went traveling with the king of Kaua'i, Pai'ea, to the other Hawaiian islands, taking the Gord of La'amaomao, which gave him control over the many winds of Hawai'i.

He later served under Keavenuia'umi and taught his son, Kuapaka'a(or Ku-A-Paka'a) to follow in his footsteps.

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