Benvenuto Rambaldi da Imola

Benvenuto Rambaldi da Imola

Benvenuto Rambaldi da Imola, or simply Benvenuto da Imola (1320? – 1388) was a lecturer at the University of Bologna best-known for his commentary on Dante's "Divine Comedy."

Born in Imola, he knew Boccaccio and followed his lectures on Dante at Florence.

Charles Eliot Norton considered that Benvenuto's commentary on Dante had "a value beyond that of any of the other fourteenth-century commentators". [James Turner, "The Liberal Education of Charles Eliot Norton", 1999, ISBN 0801871085, p. 181]


*"Romuleon", a compendium of Roman history
*A commentary on Virgil's "Eclogues (Bucolics)" and "Georgics"
*His commentary on the Divine Comedy, "Comentum super Dantis Aligherii comoediam"


* [ Imola tourist office]


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