Rudolf of Fulda

Rudolf of Fulda

Rudolf of Fulda (unknown-865) was a monk of the Benedictine monastery of Fulda, writer, theologian and teacher. He was a pupil of Rhabanus Maurus and befriended Louis the Pious, king of the Franks. [CathEncy|title=Rudolf of Fulda|url=]


Rudolf is considered to be on of the most important writers of his time and has written several works:
*"Annales Fuldenses" ("The Annals of Fulda") were started by Einhard and continued by Rudolf (838-863).Fact|date=June 2007
*"Vita Leobae Abbatissae Biscofesheimensis'", a biography of Saint Leoba of Tauberbischofsheim (most likely written in 836). This is the first known Saxon biography of a woman.
*"Miracula sanctorum in Fuldenses ecclesias translatorum" (843-847)
*"Translatio sancti Alexandri Wildeshusam anno 851" covers the conversion of the Saxons to Christianity and was begun in 863 at the request of Waltbraht, a grandson of Widukin. When Rudolf died in 865, the work was completed by Meginhart.
*A commentary on the gospel of John, which is presumed to have been lost.


His year of birth is unknown but it is believed that he was born before 800. In 821 he became subdeacon of the monastery and in 822 he succeeded Rhabanus Maurus as the head of the monastery school.


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