- Lake Ülemiste
lake_name = Lake Ülemiste
Ülemiste järv
image_lake =Ulemiste jarv.jpg
caption_lake =
image_bathymetry =
caption_bathymetry =
location =Estonia
coords = coord|59|24|N|24|46|E|type:waterbody_region:EE|display=inline,title
type =
inflow =Vaskjala-Ülemiste canal ,Kurna stream ,Mõigu stream
outflow =Tallinn water system
catchment =
basin_countries =Estonia
length =
width =
area = 9.6 km²
depth = 2.5 m
max-depth = 6 m
volume =
shore =
elevation = 35.7 m
islands =
cities =Tallinn Lake Ülemiste ("Ülemiste järv") is the largest of the lakes surrounding
Tallinn ,Estonia . Ülemiste is where most of the city gets its drinking water from. The lake is fed mostly byKurna stream andPirita River (throughVaskjala-Ülemiste canal ).Tallinn Airport is located on the easternshore of the lake andaircraft regularly take off and land over the lake. The airport maintains the necessary equipment ready to tow out in a short time any aircraft that crashes into the lake, as required by ICAO regulations.Ülemiste has a station on the
Elektriraudtee rail line.The Tallinn Water Company, AS Tallinna Vesi, has a treatment plant on the North shore of the lake which supplies 90% of the water to the city. The remaining 10% comes from ground water wells which, whilst are not absolutely necessary as the lake can supply the entire city, are nevertheless maintained as a backup in case the lake ever became contaminated. Such a risk is not trivial considering the proximity of Tallinn Airport to the lake.
Mythology and fiction
In the lake there is boulder called "Lindakivi" ("Linda's rock"). In
Estonian mythology , it is believed to be one of the boulders Linda was supposed to carry to Kalev's grave atToompea , but which fell off her apron. She sat on the boulder and cried, thus creating the lake.The semi-legendary-mythological "Ülemiste Elder" ( _et. Ülemiste vanake) is believed to live in the lake. If anyone should meet him, then he is believed to ask: "Is Tallinn ready yet?". If then the other person answered "yes", then he would flood the city. Thus, the correct answer would be: "No, there is much to be done yet".
External links
*commonscat-inline|Ülemiste järv
* [http://www.tallinnavesi.ee/ Tallinna Vesi Offical Website]
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