

In Hawaiian mythology, Lalo-Honua (Hawaiian, "below Earth") is the first woman. She was married to Kumu-Honua; the couple was given a garden by Kāne and were forbidden from eating a particular fruit. This story may be in whole or in part Christianized.

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  • Kumu-Honua — In Hawaiian mythology, Kumu Honua ( first on Earth ) is the first man. He was married to Lalo Honua; the couple was given a garden by Kāne and were forbidden from eating a particular fruit. This story may be in whole or in part Christianized …   Wikipedia

  • Kumu-Honua — En la mitología hawaiana, Kumu Honua ( primero en la Tierra ) es el primer hombre. Se casó con Lalo Honua, a la pareja, Kāne la dio un jardín y se les prohibía comer una fruta. Esta historia puede estar, en su totalidad o en parte cristianizada.… …   Wikipedia Español

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  • earth —   1. World. Ao, honua, āina, pa a i lalo.    ♦ Foundation of the earth, papa honua.    ♦ Globe of the earth, kāhonua.    ♦ Origin of the earth, kumu honua.   2. Dirt. Lepo; alaea (soluble); lepo pa a, kahua pa a (solid); lepo ula ula, mā ula ula… …   English-Hawaiian dictionary

  • canoe parts —   bilge, hold: liu, pika o. boom: iako, lā au kaha, lā au lalo, muku, ope a, ekea. bow, prow: ihu, peu, eku. connectors (of double canoe): ke a, kuanuenue. covers: kuapo i, papa uhi wa a. edge: niao. endpieces or parts thereof: manu, maku u, kupe …   English-Hawaiian dictionary

  • heaven —   Lani, papa lani, lewa, aouli, pa a i luna.    ♦ Highest heaven, apo a lewa, lewa lani, lani kua ka a (poetic).    ♦ Space in heavens, lewa nu u.    ♦ Heaven above, earth below, he lani i luna, he honua i lalo (of one owning his property,… …   English-Hawaiian dictionary

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