Combat Ration One Man

Combat Ration One Man

The Combat Ration One Man, or CR1M is a self-contained, individual field ration in lightweight packaging procured by the Australian military for its members for use in combat or other field conditions where organised food facilities are not available.

The CR1M consists of two main meals (vacuum packed), a midday snack (chocolate, muesli bar etc), a number of sundry items (toilet paper, can opener, matches, scouring pad etc) and a Field Ration Eating Device or F.R.E.D.

The items of the Combat Ration One Man are produced by various companies within Australia and New Zealand with most of the food and condiments been food and snacks commonly found in Australian stores. Notable examples of this are Nestle's "Australian Defence Force Chocolate Ration", Uncle Toby's Muesli Bars and Kraft Vegemite.


The F.R.E.D. or Field Ration Eating Device is a multi purpose tool included in every CR1M as a small spoon and Can Opener. Australian Troops commonly refer to the F.R.E.D. as a Fucking Ridiculous Eating Device.

The PR1M and CR5M

Two other close variants of the Combat Ration One Man (CR1M) are the PR1M (Patrol Ration One Man) and the CR5M (Combat Ration 5 Man)

The PR1M is a light weight variant of the CR1M weighing only 60% of the total weight of the CR1M, the Main items in it are freeze dried and vacuum sealed to reduce size and weight. It is made to sustain a troop for 24 hours in combat but can last up to 3 days in a survival situation.

The CR5M is the 5 man variant of the CR1M, it is packed in a large box and contains enough food source's to last 5 troops 24 hours in a combat situation. Unlike the other Australian Ration Packs this one is not size conscious and is often split up into the packs of troops as it is a means of group feeding.

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