ICR may refer to:

In research:

* Institute of Cancer Research, a college within the University of London
* Institute of Cetacean Research, a Japanese privately owned, non-profit institution that claims to carry out the scientific research into cetaceans
* Institute of Clinical Research, a non-profit organisation for clinical research professionals.
*Institute for Consciousness Research, a non-sectarian group with the goal of raising public awareness of Kundalini.
* Institute for Creation Research, a research institute based in Santee, California that focuses on constructing and teaching a Young Earth Creationist world view
* Imprinting Control Region, a region of DNA controlled by genomic imprinting, whereby genes are expressed in a parent-of-origin-specific manner.

In other fields:

* Intercolonial Railway, a historic Canadian railway.
* Intelligent Character Recognition, advanced OCR that allows font and different styles of hand writing to be learned during processing to improve accuracy and recognition levels
* Interest coverage ratio, a measure of a firm's ability to pay interest on outstanding debt
* International Care & Relief, an International development charity
* Iraqi Council of Representatives, a political council of Iraq
* Implanted Cardiac Resynchronization Devices - In Medical - Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT) resynchronizes the contractions of the heart’s ventricles by sending tiny electrical impulses to the heart muscle, which can help the heart pump blood throughout the body more efficiently. CRT defibrillators (CRT-D) also incorporate additional lifesaving therapy to quickly terminate an abnormally fast, life-threatening heart rhythm. CRT and CRT-D have become increasingly important therapeutic options for patients with moderate and severe heart failure
* Industrial Cases Reports, a law report
* Ion cyclotron resonance, a physics phenomenon used in cyclotron particle acceleration and fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry

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