- Empire (strategy game)
"Empire" is a turn-based strategy game of industrial development and military conquest. "Empire" is played on large maps with
off-set squares that typically display one or more continents and featuring various resource squares. The military component of the game is based on " Tactics II", particularly thecombat results table . "Empire" was developed in the fall of 1960 and played regularly through the 1960's and occasionally thereafter atReed College . The original board was a hex-gridded paper map of several artificial continents, about 3 feet by 5 feet, populated at the height of a game by nearly a thousand individual game pieces of various descriptions. Each game lasted an entire four-month semester, and each of the six or seven players needed an hour or more to complete each move in succession, handled asynchronously. The board was located on a large table in a popular campus social hall; it is an interesting commentary on the school and/or the times that virtually never in the entire history of the game as a public campus institution was it maliciously disturbed or its participants harassed.External links
[http://www.wolfpackempire.com/infopages/Overview.html As discussed in the overview for the "Empire" computer game]
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