- SmilScript
name = SmilScript
developer =Doug Schepers
latest_release_version = v0.1
latest_release_date =November 4 ,2005
genre =JavaScript Framework
license =Artistic License
website = [http://www.vectoreal.com/smilscript/ vectoreal.com/smilscript/]SmilScript is an implementation of SMIL written in JavaScript. It allows web browsers which support basic SVG to also support declarative SMIL animation of SVG; however, development has stalled since 2005, which means that the capabilities of SmilScript haven't been extended to other XML-based markup languages besides SVG.
* [http://schepers.cc/ Schepers' blog]
* [http://svg-whiz.com/ SVG-Whiz]
* [http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2005Nov/0074.html Announcement to W3C]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.