

Chinabounder is the author of a blog called "Sex and Shanghai 欲望上海," featuring his Chinese sexual adventures in Shanghai. He claims he is a British citizen in his thirties teaching English in Shanghai, for that is as he admits the easiest way for an English-speaking foreigner to work in China's largest city and commercial centre.


In his blog, he describes the details of the many sexual experiences he has had with various Chinese women, girls in their late teens (over 18) to married doctors. He considers that his background enables him to be more daring and direct with Chinese women than Chinese men, which in turn makes it easier for him to seduce them. Indeed, his views reflect the opinion that many Chinese men are too restricted by a societal pressure they cannot get rid of, and lack the imagination and freshness that would make them as attractive to Chinese girls as he claims he is.

Interestingly, his writings mix not only in depth description of his sexual experiences, but also the feelings that are involved - guilt and shame, for both parties of the relationship. The author candidly admits and takes responsibility for his lies and his lack of ethics, insulting himself in the writings, and sometimes wondering why guilt doesn't impact on him as much as society would like it to.

His writings also include criticisms on how women are treated in China, and how they have to follow the rules of their families and friends: he mentions for examples the case of a Chinese woman dating a black man, and being rejected by her family and friends as a result. His views are in a way confirmed by many of his readers who posted comments assimilating his lovers to prostitutes, sometimes reflecting that by committing such vile acts (in the regards of Chinese society), they are not Chinese anymore.

This is intertwined with an acid commentary on Chinese Nationalism and politics, which has drawn both sharp criticism but also some grudging or full-fledged approval from many readers of his blog, as well as death threats or calls for his immediate expulsion from China.

This arguably makes for an interesting and vivid - yet considered by some very limited or insulting to Chinese - outside viewpoint on the Chinese society, traditions and culture.


The blog produced a large reaction in Chinese internet communities as well as some media. The Chinese Netizens expressed their anger and sought the identity of Chinabounder. Following the unexpectedFact|date=August 2008 repercussion, the blogger temporarily closed his blog and reopened it a few months later.

In July 2008, A British graduate, David Marriott, revealed he was the Chinabounder and said that he's left China after some kind of trouble with Shanghai police. He's written a book, "Fault Lines on the Face of China: 50 Reasons Why China May Never Be Great" (Random House Kodansha, 2008). [cite news
title=China sex blogger reveals his identity
work=The Guardian
date=July 17, 2008
] The authenticity of this claim remains doubtfulFact|date=August 2008.

Authenticity of sex fantasies

A journalist of Associated Press received an email claiming to be the author of Chinabounder writer, saying the stories were practical jokes or performance art. While nothing to prove it was fake, nothing to prove it was true.

This would not explain why names and personal details of women featured in blog entries have since been changed or erased.Fact|date=June 2007

External links

* [ Chinabounder Blog]
* [ British bounder's sex blog causes Net uproar in China]
* [,8599,1503785,00.html The Chinese Blogosphere Strikes Back]
* [ The Immoral Foreign Blogger]


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