

The concept of right-financing was coined by English political economist Dr. Peter Middlebrook to highlight the importance of adopting the appropriate policy, institutional and financial support mechanisms to maximize sustainable returns on both public and private investments over time. The term goes beyond the public sector restructuring concept of right-sizing in that it looks to assess the policy mandate and size of an institutional entity, its functions and their discharge, as well as the staffing structure and establishment with regard meeting investment and development objectives. Whilst originally applied to the security sector, its application as a conceptual framework brings governance, public and private investment finance principles to work towards an optimal financing framework for a given investment.

While originally used to refer to the fiscal vulnerabilities faced by fragile and post conflict states in establishing sustainable national security systems, the concept of right-financing is premised on the importance of adopting sound public finance management and public and private investment principles in support of overall economic effectiveness, efficiency and fiscal sustainability. Right-financing is therefore essentially about determining an acceptable supply of financing for government and private sector entities as they look to deliver higher-quality and more equitable services over time. Establishing the right policy, institutional, financing, debt and loan, revenue, fiscal, monetary and security decisions early on in the investment phase is therefore essential to establishing an effective economic growth policy, institutional and risk management framework.

Use in private and public investment financing

The right-financing can be extended to guide public and private corporations in raising funds in capital markets (both equity and debt) and in strengthening strategic investment advice with regard to mergers, acquisitions and other types of financial transactions. To this end, the concept of right-financing “ supports the determination of sustainable economic policies, strategies, financial institutions and market delivery capacities that balance governance and accountability, service quality and fiscal sustainability concerns with regard to both public and private investments”. The right-financing approach takes into consideration the political economy of change and its implication for the investment climate; the processes of production, the acts of buying and selling, and their relationships to law, markets, customs and government.

For more on right-financing follow the external links to the OECD and World Bank.

External links

* [http://www.cic.nyu.edu/peacebuilding/docs/middlebrookpeakepaper.pdf Right-financing Security Sector Reform]
* [http://www.ssrnetwork.net/ssrbulletin/rightfina.php Right-financing in Security Sector Reform]
* [http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/43/25/38406485.pdf OECD DAC Handbook on Security System Reform]
* [http://siteresources.worldbank.org/AFGHANISTANEXTN/Resources/305984-1137783774207/AfgPfmVol5.pdf Public Finances and Security]
* [http://www.middlebrook-miller.com/assets/ASEF%20Briefing%20Paper%20Final.jpgRight-financing the Future]
* [http://www.asef.org/projectData/documents/middlebrook%20asef%20right-financing%20-%20state%20building%20paper.pdf Right-financing Development]
* [http://www.springerlink.com/content/k83g75u977142l76/ Right-financing Peace Processes]

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