

:"For the municipality in Spain, see: Atea, Zaragoza"

Atea (Marquesas Islands)

In the mythology of the Marquesas Islands, Atea is the giver of light. In one legend Atea and Tane are brothers, the sons of Toho. Another tradition relates that Atea (as light) evolved himself, and then brought forth Ono. Joining forces, they broke up the boundless darkness of the underworld (Po), where Tanaoa, lord of darkness, and Mutu-hei (silence) had lived for eternity. Atea and Ono made war on Tanaoa and Mutu-hei, and defeated them. They confined the gods of night within set boundaries. Out of the struggle came forth Atanua, the dawn. Atea then married Atanua, and their children include the lesser gods and humankind (Tregear 1891:29). (unsourced: Their son is the first man, Tu-mea).

Atea (Tuamotu Islands)

In the mythology of the Tuamotu islands, Atea is killed by Tane, his second son (Meletinsky 2000:421). (unsourced: Atea marries Fakahotu (or Fakahotuhenua). Their first son, Tahu, dies of starvation and the two gods switch sexes. Later, Atea tries to kidnap Tane, but Tane escapes to earth and eventually becomes so hungry that he eats a man, thus becoming the first cannibal. Tane declares war on Atea and kills him with the lightning bolts of Fatu-tiri, his ancestor).

ee also

*Vatea, a god from Mangaia in the Cook Islands.
*Wakea, a god from Hawaii.
*Rangi and Papa, primordial parents in Māori tradition.


*E. R. Tregear, "Māori-Polynesian Comparative Dictionary" (Lyon and Blair: Lambton Quay), 1891.
*E. M. Meletinsky, "The Poetics of Myth" (Routledge: London), 2000.

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