1651 — Années : 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 Décennies : 1620 1630 1640 1650 1660 1670 1680 Siècles : XVIe siècle XVIIe … Wikipédia en Français
Art conceptuel — L art conceptuel est un mouvement de l art contemporain apparu dans les années 1960 mais dont les origines remontent aux ready made de Marcel Duchamp au début du XXe siècle. L art est défini non par les propriétés esthétiques des objets ou… … Wikipédia en Français
List of years in art — This page indexes the individual year in art pages; see also Art periods. This is a list of the Visual Arts only; for Music see Timeline of musical events. NOTOC 2000s 1990s 1980s 1970s 1960s 1950s 1940s 1930s 1920s 1910s 1900s 1890s 1880s 1870s… … Wikipedia
National Museum of Western Art — This article is about an art museum in Tokyo, Japan. For other uses, see NMWA (disambiguation). National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo designed by Le Corbusier The National Museum of Western Art (国立西洋美術館 … Wikipedia
Table of years in art — The table of years in art is a tabular display of all years in art, for overview and quick navigation to any year. NOTOC ::Contents: 2000s 1900s 1800s 1700s 1600s 1500s 1400s 1300s 1200s 1100s 1000s Other2000s in art 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 … Wikipedia
Jean-Paul Richter (historien de l'art) — Jean Paul Richter est un historien de l art allemand , né à Dresde le 7 juin 1847 et mort à Lugano le 25 août 1937, à qui on doit la première compilation des écrits de Léonard de Vinci, The Literary Works of Leonardo da Vinci Compiled and Edited… … Wikipédia en Français
1611 in art — EventsPaintingsBirths* Charles Alphonse du Fresnoy, painter (d. 1665) * Jan van den Hoecke, Antwerp painter and draftsman (d. 1651) * Willem van de Velde the Elder, Dutch painter (d. 1693) * Pietro Testa, Italian High Baroque artist (d. 1650) *… … Wikipedia
1580 in art — Events* Mannerism art period in Italy endsWorks*Births* Frans Hals, Dutch painter (d. 1666) * Camillo Rizzi Italian painter (d. 1618) * Lorenzo Garbieri, Italian painter (d. 1654) * Hendrik Gerritsz Pot Dutch painter (d. 1657) * Cornelis Claesz… … Wikipedia
1566 in art — Events* In China, the Jiajing era (1522–1566) is ending. * Pieter Bruegel the Elder begins painting The Massacre of the Innocents (1566 1567). * Giuseppe Arcimboldo returns to the Italian city states.Paintings* Giuseppe Arcimboldo paints Water or … Wikipedia
1575 in art — Events* First known self portrait is painted by Nicholas Hilliard.WorksPaintingsBirths* November 4 Guido Reni, Italian painter (d. 1642) * Floris Claesz van Dijck Dutch still life painter (d. 1651) * Jacques Bellange French artist and printmaker… … Wikipedia