

Pasenadi (Sanskrit: Prasenajit) (c. 6th century BCE) was a IAST|Aikṣvāka dynasty (a dynasty founded by King IAST|Ikṣvāku) ruler of Kosala. He succeeded his father IAST|Mahākosala [Raychaudhuri H. (1972). "Political History of Ancient India", Calcutta: University of Calcutta, pp.90,176] . He was a prominent IAST|Upāsaka (lay follower) of Gautama Buddha, who built many Buddhist monasteries.


Pasenadi studied in Taxila in his early life. His first queen was a Magadhan princess. His second queen was IAST|Vāsavakhattiyā, daughter of IAST|Mahānāma,a IAST|Śākya by a slave girl IAST|Nāgamundā. From this marriage, he had a son, IAST|Viḍūḍabha and a daughter IAST|Vajirā, whom he married to Ajatashatru. His third and chief queen was Mallika, daughter of the chief of garland-makers. Once, while he was away from his capital Shravasti, his minister IAST|Dīgha Chārāyana placed his son IAST|Viḍūḍabha on the throne. He went to Magadha to seek help from Ajatashatru in order to regain his throne. But before being able to meet him, Pasenadi died of exposure outside the gates of Rajagriha. The Puranas instead of IAST|Viḍūḍabha mention the name of Suratha as his successor [Raychaudhuri H. (1972). "Political History of Ancient India", Calcutta: University of Calcutta, pp.176-8,186] .


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