- Sravasti
Srāvastī or Sāvatthī (
Hindi : श्रावस्ती), a city of ancientIndia , was one of the six largest cities in India duringGautama Buddha 's lifetime. The city was located in the fertileGangetic plain s in the present day'sGonda district ofUttar Pradesh .Jetavana monastery was a famous monastery close to Savatthi.Origin of Sravasti
According to the epic
Ramayana , Sravasti was a new city created for Lava (the son ofRaghava Rama ). Rama divided hisKosala Kingdom into two parts and installed his son Lava at Sravasti and another son Kusha atKushavati , another town in Kosala. According to theMahabharata , the origin of Sravasti lies with the legendary kingShravasta . According to Buddhist tradition, the city was called Savatthi because the sageSavattha lived there. Another tradition says there was acaravanserai there, and people meeting there asked each other what they had ("Kim bhandam atthi?"), then replied "Sabbam atthi" (meaning "we have all things", as in everything). And the name of the city was based on the reply [SNA.i.300; PSA. 367] .ravasti in the Buddha's time
Savatthi was located on the banks of the river Aciravati (now called the
Rapti river). It was the capital city of the kingdom of Kosala, and its king was calledPasenadi , who was a disciple of Buddha. It is a beautiful city with vast amounts of agriculture and diversity.Buddhaghosa says [Sp.iii.614] that, in the Buddha's day, there were fifty seven thousand families in Savatthi, and that it was the chief city in the country of KasiKosala , which was three hundred leagues in extent and had eighty thousand villages. He stated the population of Sávatthi to have been 180 million [SNA.i.371] . The road fromRajagaha to Savatthi passed throughVesali , and the Parayanavagga [SN.vss.1011 13] gives as the resting places between the two cities:Setavya ,Kapilavatthu ,Kusinara ,Pava andBhoganagara . Further on, there was a road running southwards from Savatthi throughSaketa toKosambi . Between Saketa and Savatthi was locatedToranavatthu [S.iv.374] .The Buddha passed the greater part of his monastic life in Savatthi. His first visit to Savatthi was at the invitation of Anathapindika, whom he met in
Rajagaha . The main monasteries in Sravasti were the Jetavana and the Pubbarama. Savatthi also contained the monastery ofRajakarama , built by Pasenadi, opposite Jetavana. Not far from the city was a dark forest called theAndhavana , where some monks and nun went to live. Outside the city gate of Savatthi was a fisherman's village of five hundred families [DhA.iv.40] .The chief patrons of the Buddha in Savatthi wereAnathapindika ,Visakha ,Suppavasa andPasenadi [DhA.i.330] . WhenBandhula leftVesali he came to live in Savatthi.Woodward states [KS.v.xviii] that, of the four
Nikaya s, 871 suttas are said to have been preached in Savatthi; 844 of which are inJetavana , 23 in thePubbarama , and 4 in the suburbs of Savatthi. These suttas are made up of 6 in theDigha Nikaya , 75 in theMajjhima Nikaya , 736 in theSamyutta Nikaya , and 54 in theAnguttara Nikaya . The Commentaries state that the Buddha spent twenty fiverainy season s in Sávatthi, this leaving only twenty to be spent elsewhere. Of the 25 rainy seasons Buddha lived in Sravasti [DhA.i.4] , he spent 19 in the monastery namedJetavana , and 6 in the monastery calledPubbarama . Thus, Sravasti is the place where Buddha lived the longest amount of time, and it is the place where he gave the largest amount of discourses and instructions.Savatthi is the place where the
Twin Miracle (Pali :Yamaka Patihara) took place, in which Buddha made a demonstration of his supernatural powers for the purpose of silencing certain believers of other faiths who proclaimed that the Buddha was incapable of performing supernatural miracles. The Buddhist commentarial tradition says that Savatthi is the scene of each Buddha's Yamaka pátiháriya [DhA.iii.205; cf. Mtu.iii.115; J.i.88] ; Gotama Buddha performed this miracle under the Gandamba tree.The Chinese Pilgrim
Hiouen Thsang found the old city in ruins, but recorded the sites of various buildings [Beal, op. cit., ii.1 13] .Current Sravasti
Of the ancient Savatthi the city walls are still standing. Within these, the remains of 3 ancient buildings can be visited:
Angulimala 's stupa,Anathapindika 's stupa, and an old temple dedicated to aJain Tirthankara . Outside of Savatthi is located the stupa where theTwin Miracle (Pali :Yamaka Patihara) took place. The site of Jetavana monastery is the mainpilgrim destination, withmeditation andchanting mainly done at theGandhakuti (Buddha's hut) and theAnandabodhi tree. Buddhist monasteries from the following countries have been constructed at Sravasti: Thailand, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Tibet and China.External links
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