Callosa de Segura

Callosa de Segura

Infobox City Spain
official_name=Callosa de Segura
native_name=Callosa de Segura
spanish_name=Callosa de Segura
community=Valencian Community
community_link=Valencia (autonomous community)
province_link=Alicante (province)
comarca=Vega Baja del Segura
comarca_link=Vega Baja del Segura
time_zone=CET (GMT +1)
time_zone_summer=CEST (GMT +2)

Callosa de Segura is a municipality in the "comarca" of Vega Baja del Segura in the Valencian Community, Spain.

Callosa de Segura is a traditional Spanish town located north-west of Orihuela on the CV900. It is a municipality of Valencia (Spain) in the Alicante province and another of the Vega Baja (low fertile valley) towns. The 2005 census attributes Callosa de Segura with a population of just under 17,000 and an area of 25 km2,

The town is dominated by the huge Callosa de Segura mountains standing behind it, and some of the houses of the town creep up the side of the mountain together with various crops high up on terraced slopes.

A super vantage point to view the town is from the Saint Roque Hermitage which stands high above the town as if guarding it, and again way above the hermitage is the castle of Callosa in a seemingly inaccessible place. The hermitage was built (1579 - 1798) in honour of the patron saint of Callosa de Segura - Saint Roque, it is said that Saint Roque appeared on the spot where the hermitage is built.

Looking down from the Saint Roque Hermitage it is easy to spot the blue domed roof of the impressive Saint Martin’s Church, dating from the 16th - 18th Centuries. The chapel of the church contains some important pieces of gold work by Miguel de Vera (16th Century).

The original Town Slaughterhouse built in 1929 is now renovated and houses a History Museum of the Town. The museum has four sections:-

1.The Archaeological Museum (Antonio Ballester Ruiz) where artefacts can be viewed dating back to the early history of the town, exhibits include funeral trousseaus, urns, copper halberds, coins, glassware and ceramics. There are artefacts from the Neolithic Era, the Argar Culture, the Iberian Culture, the Roman occupation and some more recent.

2.The Hemp and Agricultural Museum, outlining the history of hemp production (an important product for the town) and showing samples of the many products made from hemp.

3.The Holy Week Museum (Santa Semana) containing magnificent thrones and images by José Noguera, Hurtado Carré and José Hernandez.

4.The Fiesta Museum

The economy of the town is dependent mostly on agriculture and manufacturing, hemp and its products being an important part of this.

The old part of the town, just below the hermitage is best seen by walking as the streets are very narrow and difficult to negotiate by car.

Callosa has a wide range of shops including Mercadona and Consum supermarkets. There is a big street market every Wednesday

Callosa de Segura can be easily reached via the A-7 (E15) motorway, junction 79, or from the AP-7 motorway, junction 733 and is situated just 30 minutes from Alicante and Murcia airports and 30 minutes from Guardamar beach.There are also some other interesting villages and towns nearby that you can visit including Cox, Redovan and Albatera

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