

Pina may refer to:

* 6521 Pina, a main-belt asteroid
* Pina Records, a Puerto Rican record label

People with the given name Pina:

* Pina Bausch (born 1940), German choreographer
* Pina Carmirelli (1914-1993), Italian violinist
* Pina Conti (21st century), Australian contortionist
* Pina Gallini (1888-1974), Italian actress
* Pina Kollars (21st century), Austrian singer
* Pina Manique (1733-1805), Portuguese magistrate
* Pina Martino (21st century), Canadian politician
* Pina Pellicer (1934-1964), Mexican actress
* Pina Renzi (1901-1984), Italian actress
* Rogelio Pina Estrada (20th century), Cuban attorney
* Wescley Pina Gonçalves (born 1984), Brazilian footballer

People with the surname Pina:

* Daniel Bautista Pina (born 1981), Spanish football player
* Jay Pina (born 1964), American boxer
* João Pina (born 1981), Portuguese judoka
* Kevin Pina (21st century), American journalist
* Larry Pina (born 1947), American non-fiction writer

ee also

* de Pina
* Piña (disambiguation)
* Pina-Cabral

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