- Arion distinctus
name = "Arion distinctus"
image_caption = "Arion distinctus" from the Czech Republic
image_width = 250px
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Mollusca
classis =Gastropoda
ordo =Pulmonata
familia =Arionidae
genus = "Arion"
species = "A. distinctus"
binomial = "Arion distinctus"
binomial_authority = Mabille, 1868
status = NEThe darkface arion, "Arion distinctus", is species of air-breathing land
slug in the familyArionidae , sometimes known as the roundback slugs. It is a terrestrialpulmonate gastropod mollusk .Distribution and biotope
Central Europe.
* Not listed in
IUCN red list - not evaluated (NE) [2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.. Cited 15 March 2007. ]* Austria [http://ipp.boku.ac.at/private/wf/Check_List_of_Austrian_Mollusca.html Letzte Änderung am 24.10.2005. access 2 March 2007]
* The Czech Republic - least concern (LC) [Juřičková L., Horsák M. & Beran L., 2001: Check-list of the molluscs (Mollusca) of the Czech Republic. Acta Soc. Zool. Bohem., 65: 25-40.] [ [http://mollusca.sav.sk/malacology/checklist.htm Check-list of the molluscs (Mollusca) of the Czech Republic ] ]
* Germany [ [http://www.mollbase.de/list/deunam.htm Deutsche Namen für einheimische Schnecken und Muscheln ] ] [ [http://www.mollbase.de/sh/arionidae/arion_distinctus_atl.htm MollBase - Arion distinctus - Garten-Wegschnecke - Atlas 1991 ] ]
* Slovakia
* Switzerland [J. Iglesias & B. Speiser (2001) [http://mollus.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/67/2/209 Distribution of Arion hortensis s.s. and Arion distinctus in northern Switzerland] . - J. Moll. Stud. (2001), 67, 209-214. ]
* ...References
ee also
sibling species is "Arion hortensis "
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