Play (activity) — Play is a rite and a quality of mind in engaging with one s worldview. Play may consist of amusing, pretend or imaginary interpersonal and intrapersonal interactions or interplay. The rites of play are evident throughout nature and are perceived… … Wikipedia
play fair — {v. phr.} To do what is right to others; act in a fair and truthful way. * /The boys like the principal because he always plays fair./ * /Mary would not date any other boys while Jim, her favorite boyfriend, was away; she said that would not be… … Dictionary of American idioms
play fair — {v. phr.} To do what is right to others; act in a fair and truthful way. * /The boys like the principal because he always plays fair./ * /Mary would not date any other boys while Jim, her favorite boyfriend, was away; she said that would not be… … Dictionary of American idioms
play — ▪ I. play play 1 [pleɪ] verb [transitive] 1. play the market( s) FINANCE if you play the market, you buy and sell shares on the stockmarket, especially to make a quick profit rather than as an investment for the future: • Unless you can afford to … Financial and business terms
play — v. & n. v. 1 intr. (often foll. by with) occupy or amuse oneself pleasantly with some recreation, game, exercise, etc. 2 intr. (foll. by with) act light heartedly or flippantly (with feelings etc.). 3 tr. a perform on or be able to perform on (a… … Useful english dictionary
play by the rules — ► to obey the rules of a particular system: »Workers should not be relegated to poverty if they work hard and play by the rules. Main Entry: ↑play … Financial and business terms
play by your own rules — ► to do things in the way that you want, rather than obeying the rules of a particular system: »Large multinational corporations often play by their own rules. Main Entry: ↑play … Financial and business terms
play the game — PLAY FAIR, be fair, play by the rules, conform, be a good sport, toe the line. → play * * * phrasal : to act according to some code or set of standards : play fair or honorably wasn t playing the game in giving publicity to this confidential… … Useful english dictionary
play by somebody's (own) rules — play by sb s (own) ˈrules idiom if sb plays by their own rules or makes other people play by their rules, they set the conditions for doing business or having a relationship Main entry: ↑ruleidiom … Useful english dictionary
play fair — play using rules, give everyone an equal chance A referee will help us to play fair, to play according to the rules … English idioms