Sara Pinto Coelho

Sara Pinto Coelho

Sara Pinto Coelho (1913, São Tomé and Príncipe – 1990, Portugal) was a writer of fiction and plays in the Portuguese language.

Pinto Coelho grew up in Portugal. Most of her adult life she spent in Mozambique, where she taught primary school and wrote radio plays, novels, short stories, and children's books. She served as the director of the radio theatre programme Rádio Clube de Moçambique from 1967 to 1972.

She was the mother of the Portuguese journalist Carlos Pinto Coelho.


  • Confidências de Duas Raparigas Modernas (1946)
  • O Tesouro Maravilhoso (1947)
  • Aventuras de um Carapau Dourado (1948)
  • Memórias de uma Menina Velha (1994)

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