- Prince Bob
"Prince Bob" ("Bob Herceg") is an
operetta in three acts by Jenő Huszka. It was premiered onDecember 20 ,1902 atNépszínház inBudapest ,Hungary and is considered to be his first critical success. Thelibretto was written byFerenc Martos andKároly Bakonyi . [{GroveOnline|Huska|Andrew Lamb}]It is about a young prince named George. However, he does not enjoy his princely duty and does not love the princess whom he is bethroned. So, he and his friend sneak out to the town for some fun ("Londonban, hej"). He uses a fake name, Bob. There he meets the pretty Annie, a poor girl. She does not knoow that he is the prince in disguise. The story is about how George becomes king, romances between George and Annie and his bethroned princess and a soldier. It is full of laughs, adventures and romance.
It was filmed by
László Kalmá in 1941 and produced for TV in 1972.:opera-stub:Hungary-stub
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