Alpha — may refer to:The Greek letter alphaAlpha (letter), a letter in the Greek alphabet. α may be used as the symbol for: *Alpha channel, describing transparency and opacity in computer graphics *Angle of attack in aerodynamics *Common base current… … Wikipedia
Alpha Centauri in fiction — Alpha Centauri, the closest star system to the Sun, is frequently referenced in science fiction stories, especially those involving interstellar travel. Literature * In Far Centaurus (1944), the classic short story by A. E. van Vogt, an earth… … Wikipedia
Alpha Microsystems — is a computer company founded in 1977 by Dick Wilcox and Bob Hitchcock. The first Alpha Micro computer was the S 100 AM 100, based upon the WD16 microprocessor chipset from Western Digital. Later computers starting with the AM 100/L and the AM… … Wikipedia
Alpha Trion — is a fictional character in the Transformers animated series. Transformers: Generation 1Transformers character name =Alpha Trion affiliation =Autobot motto = Until that day, until all are one alternatemodes = Cybertronian Jet series = engvoice =… … Wikipedia
Alpha Protocol — Entwickler … Deutsch Wikipedia
Alpha-beta pruning — is a search algorithm which seeks to reduce the number of nodes that are evaluated in the search tree by the minimax algorithm. It is a search with adversary algorithm used commonly for machine playing of two player games (Tic tac toe, Chess, Go … Wikipedia
Alpha 5 — was a fictional robot on the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers television series. On Alpha s chest is a yellow stylized lightning bolt similar to the Power Rangers lightning bolt symbol, but inverted. His head is in the shape of a golden flying saucer … Wikipedia
Alpha particle — Alpha particles (named after and denoted by the first letter in the Greek alphabet, α) consist of two protons and two neutrons bound together into a particle identical to a helium nucleus; hence, it can be written as He2+ or 42He2+. They are a… … Wikipedia
Alpha Delta Phi — (ΑΔΦ) is the fourth oldest Greek letter fraternity in the United States and Canada. Today the name refers to both an all male fraternity that was founded in 1832 by Samuel Eells at Hamilton College in Clinton, New York and the Alpha Delta Phi… … Wikipedia
Alpha-Bits — Alpha Bits, also known as Frosted Alpha Bits, is a breakfast cereal made by Post Cereals, which contains frosted alphabet shaped corn cereal bits. Post Cereals also started producing Marshmallow Alpha Bits in 1990. Alpha Bits cereal was invented… … Wikipedia