Nappily Ever After (novel)

Nappily Ever After (novel)
Nappily Ever After: A Novel  
Author(s) Trisha R. Thomas
Country  United States
Language English
Genre(s) Fiction, Novel
Publisher Crown
Publication date 5 December 2000
Media type Print (Hardback & Paperback
Pages 288 pp
ISBN ISBN 0-609-60583-6
ISBN 978-0609605837

Nappily Ever After: A Novel is a novel by Trisha R. Thomas.

Plot summary

The novel tells the story of a young woman, Venus Johnston, who has grown weary of her four-year releationship with her boyfriend, and having to maintain her long, dark hair. Resolving to create a new, independent life for herself, she leaves her boyfriend and cuts her hair to an almost-bald stubby look. Her ex-boyfriend shortly begins dating another woman, sparking feelings of doubt and jealousy in Venus.

See also

Book collection.jpg Novels portal
  • Nappily Ever After, a 2010 film based on the novel

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