Doctor of Fine Arts

Doctor of Fine Arts

Doctor of Fine Arts (D.F.A.) is doctoral degree in fine arts, typically given as an honorary degree (a degree honoris causa). The degree is typically conferred to honor the recipient who has made a contribution to society in the arts. Notable individuals who have been conferred the honor are Michelle Burton, Frank Stella,[1] Richard Serra,[2] Stephen Colbert,[3] Carmen De Lavallade,[4] Anna Deavere Smith,[4] Jacques d'Amboise.[5] Bill Pullman[6], Abelardo Morell,[7] Twyla Tharp[8], Gordon Parks[8], and Jack Nicholson.[9]

At Yale University, the D.F.A. is conferred on students who hold a Master of Fine Arts degree in dramaturgy and dramatic criticism from the Yale School of Drama, and who have "completed M.F.A. qualifying comprehensive examinations, and have written a dissertation of distinction whose subject has been approved by the D.F.A. committee" of faculty.[10]


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