Kondoa Rock Art Sites

Kondoa Rock Art Sites

Infobox World Heritage Site
WHS = Kondoa Rock Art Sites

State Party =
Type = Cultural
Criteria = ii, iv
ID = 1183
Region = Africa
Year = 2006
Session = 18
Link = http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1183
The Kondoa rock art site is a series of caves carved into the side of a hill looking out over the steppe. The cave site is nine km. off the main highway from Kondoa to Arusha, about 20 km. north of Kondoa. The caves contain paintings, some of which are believed by the Tanzania Antiquities Department to date back 1500+ years. The paintings depict elongated people, animals, and hunting scenes. Tourists are asked to report to the Antiquities Department office on the highway at the village of Kolo and ask for the cave paintings guide.

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