Eucalyptus youngiana

Eucalyptus youngiana

name = Large-fruited Mallee
regnum = Plantae
unranked_divisio = Angiosperms
unranked_classis = Eudicots
unranked_ordo = Rosids
ordo = Myrtales
familia = Myrtaceae
genus = "Eucalyptus"
species = "E. youngiana"
binomial = "Eucalyptus youngiana"
binomial_authority = F.Muell.|

"Eucalyptus youngiana", commonly known as Large-fruited Mallee, Ooldea Mallee and Yarldarlba,cite web | title = Australian Plant Common Names Database | url = | accessdate = 2007-04-12] is a gum tree that occurs in arid and semi-arid areas of southern Western Australia and South Australia.


"E. youngiana" grows as a mallee from four to ten metres high, with rough, flaky bark and red or yellow flowers from June to October.FloraBase | name = Eucalyptus salubris | id = 5803]


The species was first published in 1876 by Ferdinand von Mueller,APNI | name = Eucalyptus youngiana F.Muell. | id = 38545] based on specimens collected at Queen Victoria Spring by Jess Young during the Giles expedition of May 1875.cite book | first = Norman | last = Hall | year = 1978 | title = Botanists of the Eucalypts | location = Australia | publisher = Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization | id=ISBN 0643002715] The specific name honours Young.

There are no subspecies or varieties. In 1969 Clifford Boomsma demoted it to a subspecies of "E. pyriformis", but this was overturned by Ian Brooker in 2000.

Distribution and habitat

It has a fairly wide distribution, occurring throughout arid and semi-arid areas of Western Australia and South Australia. The relief is generally gentle slopes. It grows in red sands and sandy loams.


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