- Unitarity (physics)
quantum physics , unitarity means that the sum of probabilities of all possible outcome of any event is always 1. This is necessary for the theory to be consistent.This implies that the operator which describes the progress of a physical system in time must be a
unitary operator . This operator is e^{i H t}, where H is theHamiltonian of the system and t is time.Similarly, the
S-matrix that describes how the physical system changes in ascattering process must be aunitary operator as well; this implies theoptical theorem .In
quantum field theory one usually uses a mathematical description which includes unphysicalfundamental particle s, such as a longitudinalphoton s. These particles must not appear as the end-states of ascattering process. Unitarity of theS-matrix and theoptical theorem in particular implies that such unphysical particles must not appear asvirtual particle s in intermediate states. The mathematical machinery which is used to ensure this includesgauge symmetry and sometimes alsoFaddeev-Popov ghost s.Since unitarity of a theory is necessary for its consistency, the term is sometimes also used as a synonym for consistency, and is sometimes used for other necessary conditions for consistency, in particular the condition that the
Hamiltonian is bounded from below. This means that there is a state of minimalenergy (called theground state orvacuum state ). This is needed for thesecond law of thermodynamics to hold.In
theoretical physics , a "unitarity bound" is any inequality that follows from theunitarity of theevolution operator , i.e. from the statement that probabilities are numbers between 0 and 1 whose sum is conserved. Unitarity implies, among other things, theoptical theorem . According to the optical theorem, the imaginary part of aprobability amplitude "Im(M)" of the forward scattering is related to the total cross section, up to some numerical factors. Because M|^2 for the forward scattering process is one of the terms that contributes to the total cross section, it cannot exceed the total cross section i.e. "Im(M)". The inequality:M|^2 leq mbox{Im}(M)implies that thecomplex number "M" must belong to a certain disk in the complex plane. Similar unitarity bounds imply that the amplitudes and cross section can't increase too much with energy or they must decrease as quickly as a certain formula dictates.
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