

Tompkins is a surname, and may refer to:

* Barry Tompkins
* Brian Tompkins
* Daniel D. Tompkins, American Vice-President
* Douglas Tompkins: environmentalist, co-founder of outdoor clothing companies, owner of Pumalín Park, Chile.
* James Tompkins, activist priest
* Larry Tompkins
* Mr Tompkins, fictional character in a series of books by George Gamow
* Madeline Tompkins co pilot aloha air 243
* Paul F. Tompkins
* Pauline Tompkins
* Sally Louisa Tompkins, health care worker
* Steve Tompkins
* Tony Tompkins
* Tompkins, fictional character from the cartoon Teen Girl Squad


*Tompkins, New York, USA
*Tompkins County, New York, USA
* Tompkins Township, Warren County, Illinois, USA
* Tompkins Township, Jackson County, Michigan, USA
*Tompkins, Saskatchewan, Canada
*Tompkins, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

ee also

* Tompkins Table
* Tomkins

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  • Tompkins — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Arthur S. Tompkins (1865–1938), US amerikanischer Politiker Caleb Tompkins (1759–1846), US amerikanischer Politiker Christopher Tompkins (1780–1858), US amerikanischer Politiker Cydnor B. Tompkins… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Tompkins — /tomp kinz/, n. Daniel D., 1774 1825, U.S. politician and jurist: vice president of the U.S. 1817 25. * * * ▪ county, New York, United States       county, west central New York state, U.S., constituting a plateau region that rises to rugged… …   Universalium

  • Tompkins — Recorded in many spellings including Tomkin, Tompkin, Tompkins, Thomkins and Thompkins, this long established surname is early medieval English. It is a patronymic form of Thomas, from the nickname Tom, and the added diminutive suffix kin ,… …   Surnames reference

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  • Tompkins, Saskatchewan — Tompkins is a village in the southwestern portion of the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. The village is located between Maple Creek and Swift Current, on the Trans Canada Highway. The 2001 census put the population of Tompkins at 191. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Tompkins (Nueva York) — Tompkins Pueblo de los Estados Unidos Letrero de la Reserva Cannonsville …   Wikipedia Español

  • Tompkins Township — may refer to:* Tompkins Township, Warren County, Illinois * Tompkins Township, Jackson County, Michigan …   Wikipedia

  • Tompkins Township — ist der Name mehrerer Townships in den Vereinigten Staaten: Tompkins Township (Illinois) Tompkins Township (Michigan) Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Tompkins, Newfoundland and Labrador — Tompkins was a village located north of Channel Port aux Basques.Spelled Thompkins on some maps. Its population was 134 in 1940 and 134 in also*List of communities in Newfoundland and Labrador …   Wikipedia

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