- South Carolina Department of Transportation
The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) is a
government agency in theU.S. State ofSouth Carolina . Its mission is to build and maintainroads andbridges and administermass transit services.History
The South Carolina Department of Transportation is still familiarly known as the Highway Department, which is what the agency was called until
May 13 ,1977 when an act of theSouth Carolina General Assembly reformed the agency as the Department of Highways and Public Transportation (SCDHPT). [Citation | last =South Carolina General Assembly | title = Act 82 of the 102nd Session | date = 1977-05-13 | year = 1977 | url = http://www.scstatehouse.net/cgi-bin/web_legislation.exe | accessdate = 2007-04-10]The current name, the Department of Transportation, was established in the State Government Restructuring Act of 1993. [Citation | last =
South Carolina General Assembly | title = Act 181 of the 110th Session | date = June 18, 1993 | year = 1993 | url = http://www.scstatehouse.net/cgi-bin/web_legislation.exe | accessdate = 2007-04-10] This act split functions of the SCDHPT to establish the SCDOT and the Department of Public Safety.The roots of the state agency trace back to the establishment of a five member highway commission in 1917. Prior to 1917, county governments were entirely responsible for building and maintaining roads. The Federal Aid Road Act of 1916 and the promise of federal money to build highways served as the impetus for the creation of the commission. However, the commission lacked "the authority to designate roads to be improved with federal funds and the power to supervise directly the work being done." [Hammond, p. 47.]
Commission and Secretary
The SCDOT is a department of the state government in the
executive branch that reports to acabinet secretary and a seven-membercommission . [Citation | last =South Carolina Code of Laws | title = Title 1 - Administration of the Government, Section 1-30-10(B)(1)(ii) | url = http://www.scstatehouse.net/code/t01c030.htm] TheGovernor appoints one member of the commission and the Secretary of Transportation, who is a member of the Governor's cabinet. The current secretary isH. B. "Buck" Limehouse, Jr. [ [http://www.scdot.org/inside/administration.shtml Inside SCDOT - Administration] ]The other six commissioners each represent a district. The commission districts coincide with the
congressional districts of South Carolina. The commissioner is appointed for a term of four years by legislative delegation for that district, that is, the members of the General Assembly that represent voters in that district. The chairman is selected from among all seven memebers by a vote of the commission.The secretary hires the division heads, who are known as Deputy Secretaries.
Divisions of the SCDOT
The SCDOT has at least three divisions: Mass Transit; Construction, Engineering, and Planning; and Finance and Administration. The commission has the authority to establish additional divisions or to split these statutory divisions into multiples.
The SCDOT is a centralized government agency. Planning, design, procurement, finance and human resource functions all operate from the central office, or headquarters, in the
state capitol of Columbia. The headquarters building is named for Silas N. Pearman, a former state highway engineer and chief commissioner of the agency.Mass Transit Division
The Division of Mass Transit supports the development of a mass transit system and administers the state and
federal aid mass transit programs.Engineering Division
The Division of Construction, Engineering, and Planning comprises the largest part of the agency. The Deputy Secretary for this division is traditionally known as the State Highway Engineer. This position is generally recognized as the second-ranking person in the agency.
Finance and Administration Division
The Division of Finance and Administration is responsible for the federal aid reimbursements and other financial matters of the agency.
Engineering Districts
The SCDOT field offices are divided into seven districts headed by a District Engineering Administrator. The engineering district lines do not follow the same lines as the commission districts. Each District has responsibility for the maintenance, construction, traffic, and equipment (mechanical) operations within its boundaries. A district will oversee six to eight counties.
District offices are located in Columbia (District #1), Greenwood (#2), Greenville (#3), Chester, (#4), Florence (#5), Charleston (#6),Orangeburg (#7).
* cite book
last = Moore
first = John Hammond
authorlink =
coauthors =
editor =
others =
title = The South Carolina Highway Department, 1917-1987
origdate =
origyear =
origmonth =
url =
format =
accessdate =
accessyear =
accessmonth =
edition =
date =
year = 1987
month =
publisher = University of South Carolina Press
location = Columbia, South Carolina
language =
id =
isbn = 0-87249-528-0
pages =
chapter =
chapterurl =
quote =External links
* [http://www.scdot.org SCDOT Official Site]
* [http://www.sc.gov South Carolina State Government Site]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.