1647 in art

1647 in art


* (unknown)


* Aernout van der Neer - "Landscape with Windmill", painted 1647-49


* Jean Jouvenet - French painter (d. 1717)
* Jan van Huchtenburg - Dutch painter (d. 1733)
* Angelo Everardi - Italian painter of battle scenes (d. 1680)
* Gregorio De Ferrari - Italian Baroque painter of the Genoese school (d. 1726)
* Yu Zhiding - Chinese landscape painter during the Qing Dynasty (d. 1709)


* November 30 - Giovanni Lanfranco, Italian painter of the Baroque period (born 1582)
* Sisto Badalocchio - Italian painter and engraver of the Bolognese School (b. 1581/1585)
* Daniël Mijtens - Dutch portrait painter (b. 1590)
* Pietro Desani - Italian painter (b. 1595)
* Sebastian Vrancx - Flemish Baroque painter and etcher of the Antwerp school (b. 1573)
* Pietro Novelli - Italian painter, architect and stage set designer (b. 1603)
* Nicholas Stone - English sculptor and architect (b. 1586)

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