- The Escapist (website)
The Escapist is a web resource site that advocates and supports
role-playing game s (RPGs) as a social and educational activity, and works to educate the public on the true nature of gaming and dispel myths and misunderstandings about the hobby. It is one of a handful of sites that promote RPGs as an activity rather than advocating or supporting any specific game systems.The site was created in December 1995 by William J. Walton and has been regularly updated for more than a decade. Originally titled "The Gaming Advocacy Website," it began as a research project for a technical writing class. In April 1996, the site was expanded into an online
zine devoted to role-playing and collectible card games, and shortly after, the rest of the material was scrapped and the site focused entirely on gaming advocacy.Other examples of independent RPG Advocacy sites which have been cited in the media includethe
Shakespearean Eclectic Archive and theGAMA [http://www.rpg.net/edu/ "Gaming & Education"] site. Such sites counter the efforts of anti-game advocates includingPatricia Pulling .Site Self-Description
From the site's main page:
Tabletop role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons are an engaging and intellectually stimulating activity that promote teamwork, problem solving, and creative thinking. Even better, in hands of a parent, guardian, or educator, they can be a fantastic teaching tool.
Unfortunately, the role-playing hobby has acquired a reputation for being geeky, dangerous, occultic, satanic, and even causing players to be prone to suicide or homicide. Only one of these is accurate - sure, it's a bit geeky, but that's the worst thing that can be said about it. The rest of those claims are pure urban legend.
Projects & Features
The Escapist contains several projects that are each devoted to a different aspect of roleplaying advocacy:
* [http://www.theescapist.com/bequest BeQuest] , which focuses on connecting gamers, game clubs, and game companies with charitable organizations.
* [http://www.theescapist.com/rwrpg Reading, Writing, & Roleplaying] , an upcoming project that focuses on using roleplaying games as an educational tool.
* [http://www.theescapist.com/library Terra Libris: The Library RPG Project] , which encourages librarians and volunteers to organize and run role-playing games as Young Adult programs at libraries.
* [http://www.theescapist.com/ypal The Young Person's Adventure League] , which focuses on getting children and pre-teens involved in the hobby.* The [http://www.squareonepodcast.com Square One Podcast] , hosted by
Sam Chupp and Bill Walton, a podcast geared towards new and inexperienced gamers.The site also has regular features of interest to the gaming community:
* [http://www.theescapist.com/tellme Tell Me About Your Character] is a series of 'self-serve' interviews with roleplayers from all walks of life.
* [http://www.theescapist.com/evmrr The Escapist Video Movie Review Report] is a series of reviews of movies and television shows that feature roleplaying as part of the story - either based on published RPG worlds, or on gamers and the act of gaming.
* [http://www.theescapist.com/20sw 20 Sided World] is an upcoming feature that explores gaming culture in different parts of the world.Spellcasting 101
The most popular of the site's features is an installment of the editorial column "Random Encounter" titled [http://www.theescapist.com/random011102.htm Spellcasting 101: Don't Try This At Home] . In it, the author attempts to test the claims made by many fundamentalist Christian groups and individuals that the
Harry Potter books andDungeons & Dragons game contain real magical rituals that will produce effects that can be reproduced. Numerous spells from both sources are put to the test, including "Lumos, Body Bind, Burning Hands, Hold Portal, Spider Climb," and others.The purpose of the column was to point out the absurdity of the claims being made against different forms of fantasy entertainment. Initial response to the column was very favorable, with hundreds of approving emails arriving from all across the world, many of which were reprinted in the following installment of "Random Encounter". Numerous websites linked to the column, including the
Steve Jackson Games ' Daily Illuminator andHarry Potter fansiteThe Leaky Cauldron . Forums and newsgroups devoted torole-playing games ,Christianity ,Wicca , andPaganism also helped to spread the word, and at least one half-hearted attempt at plagiarism appeared on the internet for a short while.The column is still the most-viewed page of the entire website, several years since its first appearance in 2002.
William J. Walton
The site creator has been a returning guest of honor at [http://oz.plymouth.edu/~psugaming Econocon] inNew Hampshire and [http://www.dexposure.com/dexcon9.html Dexcon] in New Jersey. He lives in
Delaware with his partner Paula and their two daughters.External References
* [http://www.metrotimes.com/editorial/story.asp?id=8402 "Every Day Is Halloween"] in the 2005 (Detroit)
Metro Times .
* [http://www.binarystarproductions.com/thebug.html "RPG"] , a 2006 documentary by Binary Star Productions.
* [http://www.weareatlantis.com 2007 An as-yet-untitled documentary] on play acting and role-playing, the producers of which are hoping to get aired on PBS.
* [http://www.lulu.com/content/463648 God Loves the Freaks] , a book on Christian outreach to subcultures, mentions the [http://www.theescapist.com/random011102.htm Spellcasting 101 column] from the site.
* [http://www.highdesertinsider.com/html/harrypotter_spellcasting.html High Desert Insider] - an authorized reprint of the [http://www.theescapist.com/random011102.htm Spellcasting 101 column] .* Two regular site-related columns were published in the now-defunct UK gaming magazine "Valkyrie": "From The Trenches" and "Saints & Sinners". The former was a column of new material, the latter a recap of news items posted to the site. In a reader poll conducted in 2001, both columns were the highest-rated of the entire magazine.
External links
* [http://www.theescapist.com The Escapist]
* [http://www.theescapist.com/carpga.htm The Committee for the Advancement of Role-Playing Games (CAR-PGa)]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.