- Cartan decomposition
The Cartan decomposition is a decomposition of a semisimple
Lie group orLie algebra , which plays an important role in their structure theory and representation theory. It generalizes thepolar decomposition of matrices.Cartan involutions on Lie algebras
Let mathfrak{g} be a real
semisimple Lie algebra and let B(cdot,cdot) be itsKilling form . An involution on mathfrak{g} is a Lie algebraautomorphism heta of mathfrak{g} whose square is equal to the identity automorphism. Such an involution is called a Cartan involution on mathfrak{g} if B_ heta(X,Y) = -B(X, heta Y) is apositive definite bilinear form .Two involutions heta_1 and heta_2 are considered equivalent if they differ only by an inner automorphism.
Any real semisimple Lie algebra has a Cartan involution, and any two Cartan involutions are equivalent.
* A Cartan involution on mathfrak{gl}_n(mathbb{R}) is defined by heta(X)=-X^T, where X^T denotes the transpose matrix of X.
* The identity map on mathfrak{g} is an involution, of course. It is the unique Cartan involution of mathfrak{g} if and only if the Killing form of mathfrak{g} is negative definite. Equivalently, mathfrak{g} is the Lie algebra of a compact Lie group.
* Let mathfrak{g} be the complexification of a real semisimple Lie algebra mathfrak{g}_0, then complex conjugation on mathfrak{g} is an involution on mathfrak{g}. This is the Cartan involution on mathfrak{g} if and only if mathfrak{g}_0 is the Lie algebra of a compact Lie group.
* The following maps are involutions of the Lie algebra mathfrak{su}(n) of the special unitary group
SU(n) :** the identity involution heta_0(X) = X, which is the unique Cartan involution in this case;
** heta_1 (X) = - X^T;
** heta_2 (X) = egin{pmatrix} I_p & 0 \ 0 & -I_q end{pmatrix} X egin{pmatrix} I_p & 0 \ 0 & -I_q end{pmatrix}, where p+q = n; these are not equivalent to the identity involution because the matrix egin{pmatrix} I_p & 0 \ 0 & -I_q end{pmatrix} does not belong to mathfrak{su}(n).
** if n = 2m is even, we also have heta_3 (X) = egin{pmatrix} 0 & I_m \ -I_m & 0 end{pmatrix} X^T egin{pmatrix} 0 & I_m \ -I_m & 0 end{pmatrix}.
Cartan pairs
Let heta be an involution on a Lie algebra mathfrak{g}. Since heta^2=1, the linear map heta has the two eigenvalues pm1. Let mathfrak{k} and mathfrak{p} be the corresponding eigenspaces, then mathfrak{g} = mathfrak{k}+mathfrak{p}. Since heta is a Lie algebra automorphism, we have: mathfrak{k}, mathfrak{k}] subseteq mathfrak{k}, mathfrak{k}, mathfrak{p}] subseteq mathfrak{p}, and mathfrak{p}, mathfrak{p}] subseteq mathfrak{k}.Thus mathfrak{k} is a Lie subalgebra, while mathfrak{p} is not.
Conversely, a decomposition mathfrak{g} = mathfrak{k}+mathfrak{p} with these extra properties determines an involution heta on mathfrak{g} that is 1 on mathfrak{k} and 1 on mathfrak{p}.
Such a pair mathfrak{k}, mathfrak{p}) is also called a Cartan pair of mathfrak{g}.
The decomposition mathfrak{g} = mathfrak{k}+mathfrak{p} associated to a Cartain involution is called a Cartan decomposition of mathfrak{g}. The special feature of a Cartan decomposition is that the Kiling form is negative definite on mathfrak{k} and positive definite on mathfrak{p}. Furthermore, mathfrak{k} and mathfrak{p} are orthogonal complements of each other with respect to the Killing form on mathfrak{g}.
Cartan decomposition on the Lie group level
Let G be a
semisimple Lie group and mathfrak{g} itsLie algebra . Let heta be a Cartan involution on mathfrak{g} and let mathfrak{k},mathfrak{p}) be the resulting Cartan pair. Let K be theanalytic subgroup of G with Lie algebra mathfrak{k}. Then
* There is a Lie group automorphism Theta with differential heta that satisfies Theta^2=1.
* The subgroup of elements fixed by Theta is K; in particular, K is a closed subgroup.
* The mapping K imesmathfrak{p} ightarrow G given by k,X) mapsto kcdot mathrm{exp}(X) is a diffeomorphism.
* The subgroup K contains the center Z of G, and K is compact modulo center, that is, K/Z is compact.
* The subgroup K is the maximal subgroup of G that contains the center and is compact modulo center.The automorphism Theta is also called global Cartan involution, and the diffeomorphism K imesmathfrak{p} ightarrow G is called global Cartan decomposition.
Relation to polar decompostion
Consider mathfrak{gl}_n(mathbb{R}) with the Cartain involution heta(X)=-X^T. Then mathfrak{k}=mathfrak{so}_n(mathbb{R}) is the Lie algebra of skew-symmetric matrices, so that K=mathrm{O}(n), while mathfrak{p} is the subspace of positive definite matrices. Thus the exponential map is a diffeomorphism from mathfrak{p} onto the space of positive definite matrices. Up to this exponential map, the global Cartan decomposition is the
polar decomposition of a matrix. Notice that the polar decomposition of an invertible matrix is unique.See also
Lie group decompositions References
A. W. Knapp , "Lie groups beyond an introduction", ISBN 0-8176-4259-5, Birkhäuser.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.