Cartan decomposition

Cartan decomposition

The Cartan decomposition is a decomposition of a semisimple Lie group or Lie algebra, which plays an important role in their structure theory and representation theory. It generalizes the polar decomposition of matrices.

Cartan involutions on Lie algebras

Let mathfrak{g} be a real semisimple Lie algebra and let B(cdot,cdot) be its Killing form. An involution on mathfrak{g} is a Lie algebra automorphism heta of mathfrak{g} whose square is equal to the identity automorphism. Such an involution is called a Cartan involution on mathfrak{g} if B_ heta(X,Y) = -B(X, heta Y) is a positive definite bilinear form.

Two involutions heta_1 and heta_2 are considered equivalent if they differ only by an inner automorphism.

Any real semisimple Lie algebra has a Cartan involution, and any two Cartan involutions are equivalent.


* A Cartan involution on mathfrak{gl}_n(mathbb{R}) is defined by heta(X)=-X^T, where X^T denotes the transpose matrix of X.

* The identity map on mathfrak{g} is an involution, of course. It is the unique Cartan involution of mathfrak{g} if and only if the Killing form of mathfrak{g} is negative definite. Equivalently, mathfrak{g} is the Lie algebra of a compact Lie group.

* Let mathfrak{g} be the complexification of a real semisimple Lie algebra mathfrak{g}_0, then complex conjugation on mathfrak{g} is an involution on mathfrak{g}. This is the Cartan involution on mathfrak{g} if and only if mathfrak{g}_0 is the Lie algebra of a compact Lie group.

* The following maps are involutions of the Lie algebra mathfrak{su}(n) of the special unitary group SU(n):

** the identity involution heta_0(X) = X, which is the unique Cartan involution in this case;

** heta_1 (X) = - X^T;

** heta_2 (X) = egin{pmatrix} I_p & 0 \ 0 & -I_q end{pmatrix} X egin{pmatrix} I_p & 0 \ 0 & -I_q end{pmatrix}, where p+q = n; these are not equivalent to the identity involution because the matrix egin{pmatrix} I_p & 0 \ 0 & -I_q end{pmatrix} does not belong to mathfrak{su}(n).

** if n = 2m is even, we also have heta_3 (X) = egin{pmatrix} 0 & I_m \ -I_m & 0 end{pmatrix} X^T egin{pmatrix} 0 & I_m \ -I_m & 0 end{pmatrix}.

Cartan pairs

Let heta be an involution on a Lie algebra mathfrak{g}. Since heta^2=1, the linear map heta has the two eigenvalues pm1. Let mathfrak{k} and mathfrak{p} be the corresponding eigenspaces, then mathfrak{g} = mathfrak{k}+mathfrak{p}. Since heta is a Lie algebra automorphism, we have: [mathfrak{k}, mathfrak{k}] subseteq mathfrak{k}, [mathfrak{k}, mathfrak{p}] subseteq mathfrak{p}, and [mathfrak{p}, mathfrak{p}] subseteq mathfrak{k}.Thus mathfrak{k} is a Lie subalgebra, while mathfrak{p} is not.

Conversely, a decomposition mathfrak{g} = mathfrak{k}+mathfrak{p} with these extra properties determines an involution heta on mathfrak{g} that is +1 on mathfrak{k} and -1 on mathfrak{p}.

Such a pair (mathfrak{k}, mathfrak{p}) is also called a Cartan pair of mathfrak{g}.

The decomposition mathfrak{g} = mathfrak{k}+mathfrak{p} associated to a Cartain involution is called a Cartan decomposition of mathfrak{g}. The special feature of a Cartan decomposition is that the Kiling form is negative definite on mathfrak{k} and positive definite on mathfrak{p}. Furthermore, mathfrak{k} and mathfrak{p} are orthogonal complements of each other with respect to the Killing form on mathfrak{g}.

Cartan decomposition on the Lie group level

Let G be a semisimple Lie group and mathfrak{g} its Lie algebra. Let heta be a Cartan involution on mathfrak{g} and let (mathfrak{k},mathfrak{p}) be the resulting Cartan pair. Let K be the analytic subgroup of G with Lie algebra mathfrak{k}. Then
* There is a Lie group automorphism Theta with differential heta that satisfies Theta^2=1.
* The subgroup of elements fixed by Theta is K; in particular, K is a closed subgroup.
* The mapping K imesmathfrak{p} ightarrow G given by (k,X) mapsto kcdot mathrm{exp}(X) is a diffeomorphism.
* The subgroup K contains the center Z of G, and K is compact modulo center, that is, K/Z is compact.
* The subgroup K is the maximal subgroup of G that contains the center and is compact modulo center.

The automorphism Theta is also called global Cartan involution, and the diffeomorphism K imesmathfrak{p} ightarrow G is called global Cartan decomposition.

Relation to polar decompostion

Consider mathfrak{gl}_n(mathbb{R}) with the Cartain involution heta(X)=-X^T. Then mathfrak{k}=mathfrak{so}_n(mathbb{R}) is the Lie algebra of skew-symmetric matrices, so that K=mathrm{O}(n), while mathfrak{p} is the subspace of positive definite matrices. Thus the exponential map is a diffeomorphism from mathfrak{p} onto the space of positive definite matrices. Up to this exponential map, the global Cartan decomposition is the polar decomposition of a matrix. Notice that the polar decomposition of an invertible matrix is unique.

See also

* Lie group decompositions


*A. W. Knapp, "Lie groups beyond an introduction", ISBN 0-8176-4259-5, Birkhäuser.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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