Twenty-third Amendment — Der 23. Zusatzartikel zur Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten, das Twenty third Amendment, gewährt dem District of Columbia das Recht, Wahlmänner für die Wahl des Präsidenten und des Vizepräsidenten zu stellen. Der Zusatz wurde vom Kongress am 17 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Twenty-third Amendment to the United States Constitution — Amendment XXIII was the twenty third Amendment to the United States Constitution which permits the District of Columbia to choose Electors for President and Vice President. The amendment was proposed by Congress on June 17, 1960, and ratified by… … Wikipedia
Twenty-third Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland — The Twenty third Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland permitted the state to become a party to the International Criminal Court (ICC). It was effected by the Twenty third Amendment of the Constitution Act, 2001, which was approved by… … Wikipedia
Twenty-Third Amendment — Amendment to the Constitution (1961) which allots to the District of Columbia presidential electors, to be appointed as Congress directs, equal in number to those of a State of equivalent population but never more than the number of electors… … Black's law dictionary
Twenty-third Amendment — an amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1961, allowing District of Columbia residents to vote in presidential elections. * * * … Universalium
Twenty-third Amendment — An amendment to the Constitution of the United States providing a Presidential vote for the District of Columbia … Ballentine's law dictionary
Twenty-third Amendment — an amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1961, allowing District of Columbia residents to vote in presidential elections … Useful english dictionary
Twenty-sixth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland — The Twenty sixth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland permitted the state to ratify the Treaty of Nice. It was effected by the Twenty sixth Amendment of the Constitution Act, 2002, which was approved by referendum on 19 October 2002 and… … Wikipedia
Twenty-first Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland — The Twenty first Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland introduced a constitutional ban on the death penalty and removed all references to capital punishment from the text. It was effected by the Twenty first Amendment of the Constitution Act,… … Wikipedia
Twenty-fourth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland Bill, 2001 — The Twenty fourth Amendment of the Constitution Bill, 2001 was a proposal to allow the state to ratify the Treaty of Nice. The proposal was rejected.Proposed changes to the text*Proposed insertion of new Article 29.4.7::The State may ratify the… … Wikipedia