- Ravela
Ravela is a remote village, 18km from
Guntur City which is located inTadikonda Mandal ofGuntur district inAndhra Pradesh ,India .Transport
The village has road links with nearby villages Pamulapadu, Ponnekallu and further to
Guntur City . The nearest Railway station "Siripuram", about 3 km, is on the main railway network line betweenGuntur City andSecunderabad .Demographics
Main Occupation
Agriculture is the main occupation for the villagers. The main crops are Paddy, Chilli, Cotton and Tobacco.The village owns a great fame for its chilli crop cultivation among the villages in the district.
This little village has a Zilla Praza Parishad(ZPP) School apart from a few small private schools. The ZPP School is located right across the only big water body in the village.
Places of Worship
Ravela is known for communal harmony. This village has few Hindu Temples of Lord Krishna, Lord Rama and Hanuman. Venugoplaswamy Temple is believed to be about 600 years old. Other places of worship include a Church and a Mosque. There is a lot of unity in diversity in this small village.
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