Assessor (law)

Assessor (law)

In some jurisdictions, an assessor is a judge's or magistrate's assistant. This is in fact the historical meaning of this word.


In Denmark, it was the former title given to Supreme Court judges. Today the title is given to Deputy Judges. See Courts of Denmark.

In the ancient Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, assessors were also members of the juridiciary, sitting on the so-called kanclerz's courts or assessor's courts.

In Germany, "Rechtsassessor" ("assessor of law") is a (nowadays not widely used) title held by students of law who have passed the second of the two examinations qualifying for a career in a legal profession such as judge, attorney at law or notary public.

In the former Soviet Union and modern People's Republic of China, a judge presiding at trial is assisted by two "people's assessors" drawn much like jurors in the community. They do not rule on matters of law but can allow or deny objections. When the trial is completed the judge and people's assessors decide on a verdict.

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