

Cade may refer to:
* "Juniperus oxycedrus", also called the Prickly Juniper.

People with the surname Cade:
* Elsa Salazar Cade, an entomologist and educator
* Jack Cade (15th century), an English rebel;
* John A. Cade (1929-1996), former American politician;
* John Cade (1912-1980), an Australian psychiatrist;
* Lance Cade (born 1980), an American professional wrestler;
* Michael Cade (born 1973), an actor in the 1990s television series "California Dreams";
* Robert Cade (born 1927), a Florida professor of medicine and inventor of Gatorade;
* Sam Cade, fictional sheriff and hero of the television series "Cade's County";
* William H. Cade, a zoologist and expert on the biology of crickets.
* Cade McNown, former quarterback for the Chicago Bears (Cade is his first name.)

* Cade, a novel by James Hadley Chase
* Cade Skywalker, a character in "" comic series
* Cade (Series), a young adult science fiction series by author Douglas Hill

The acronym CADE may refer to:
* the Canadian Association for Distance Education;
* Conference on Automated Deduction, an annual computer science conference.
* Customer Account Data Engine, a modernized IRS database housing tax information
* Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (Administrative Council for Economic Defense), a Brazilian governmental agency.

Other uses:
* WiiCade, an Adobe Flash community for Wii homebrew.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • cade — cade …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • cade — [ kad ] n. m. • 1518; provenç. cade, bas lat. catanum ♦ Genévrier des régions méditerranéennes (cupressacées), dont le bois est utilisé en marqueterie. Huile de cade : produit de distillation du bois du cade, à odeur âcre, utilisé en pharmacopée …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Cade — ist der Name von Jack Cade (möglicher echter Name John Mortimer; † 1450), englischer Rebell, der den Sturz von König Heinrich VI. anstrebte Lance Cade (echter Name Lance K. McNaught); (1980–2010), US amerikanischer Wrestler Robert Cade… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • cade — 1. (ka d ) s. m. Baril en usage dans les salines.    Nom d une mesure de capacité, qui valait 1000 litres dans le système de mesures établi par la loi du 1er août 1793, modifiée par celle du 30 nivôse an II (19 janvier 1794). ÉTYMOLOGIE    Le… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Cade — Cade, n. [L. cadus jar, Gr. ?.] A barrel or cask, as of fish. A cade of herrings. Shak. [1913 Webster] A cade of herrings is 500, of sprats 1,000. Jacob, Law Dict. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Cade — Cade, n. [F. & Pr.; LL. cada.] A species of juniper ({Juniperus Oxycedrus}) of Mediterranean countries. [1913 Webster] {Oil of cade}, a thick, black, tarry liquid, obtained by destructive distillation of the inner wood of the cade. It is used as… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Cade — Cade, a. [Cf. OE. cad, kod, lamb, also {Cosset}, {Coddle}.] Bred by hand; domesticated; petted. [1913 Webster] He brought his cade lamb with him. Sheldon. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Cade — Cade, v. t. To bring up or nourish by hand, or with tenderness; to coddle; to tame. [Obs.] Johnson. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cadê — |à| adv. interr. [Brasil, Informal] Usa se para interrogar onde está alguma coisa (ex.: cadê o dinheiro?). = QUEDE, QUEDÊ   ‣ Etimologia: redução de que é de …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

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