

Sarband is a German early music ensemble with musicians from 7 nations, focusing on musical connections between Orient & Occident; Jewish, Christian & Muslim music. The group was founded in 1986 by Dr. Vladimir Ivanoff. Since then, Sarband has performed more than 500 concerts on four continents and released 14 CDs.

Concert History

1989: Horizonte - Berliner Festspiele / 1991: Istanbul Festival / 1992: Romanischer Sommer, Köln / 1993: Internationale Funkausstellung, Berlin / 1994: Abbaye de Sylvanès / 1995: Stimmen Lörrach / 1996: Copenhagen, Cultural Capital of Europe / 1997: Thessaloniki, Cultural Capital of Europe / Jerusalem 2000 / Schleswig-Holstein-Festival / 1998: 900 Jahre Hildegard von Bingen / Baalbek-Festival, Lebanon / Festival Oude Muziek, Utrecht / 1999: Boston Early Music Festival / Festival van Vlaanderen, Bruges / 2000: Library of Congress, Washington / Spitalfields Festival, London / Styriarte, Graz / 2001: Lufthansa Baroque Festival, London / 2002: Dresdner Festspiele / Bruges, Cultural Capital of Europe / 2003: Madrid / Sevilla / Festival de Menton / 2004: Ludwigsburger Festspiele / Vezelay Cathedral / 2005: Komische Oper, Berlin / Rheingau Festival / 2006: Frauenkirche, Dresden / Lincoln Center, New York / 2007: Konzerthaus, Vienna / Accademia di Sa. Cecilia, Rome / Singapore Arts Festival / 2008: Philharmonie Berlin, Théâtre de la Ville Paris..


Grammy Nomination 1992, Echo Klassik 2003, Echo Klassik 2006, German Worldmusic Award Ruth 2008.


* 2006: "Vox Feminae"
* 2005: King's Singers & Sarband: "Sacred Bridges"
* 2005: Concerto Koeln & Sarband: "The Waltz"
* 2003: Concerto Koeln & Sarband: "Dream of the Orient"
* 2003: "Pilgrims of the Soul"
* 2001: "Alla Turca: Oriental Obsession"
* 2000: "Danse Gothique"
* 1998: "Fallen Women"
* 1996: "Sepharad"
* 1995: "Sephardic Songs"
* 1994: "Llibre Vermell de Montserrat"
* 1992: "Music of the Emperors"
* 1990: "Cantico"
* 1989: Mystère de Voix Bulgares & Sarband: "Mystères"

External links

* [ Ensemble Sarband]
* [ tour schedule]
* [ Sarband's CD distribution]

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